«Starz» Dune Watch Full Length
Virginia Madsen /
Duration: 2 hour 17 minute /
6,8 of 10 /
Director: David Lynch /
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I decided to watch this film because a guy in my class thought this is one of the weirdest films he ever saw and that you would easily get lost if you have read the books. For me, I didn't understand what the hell was coming out of everybody's mouth. It sounded as if they were speaking gibberish for a 1980's Sci-fi film. I wouldn't really call this the most weirdest film I've ever seen but more likely, it's just odd and too fast to understand it to be honest.
I haven't read the books but I say I wouldn't understand them much either. Maybe not but if I really didn't understand the film, then I won't understand the books.
The only advantage is seeing Sir Patrick Stewart being involved in this since I'm use to him in Star Trek.
Dune watch full length 2017. Dune Watch full length. Dune watch full length film. DÅne Watch full length. Dűne Watch Full lengths. Dune watch full length season. Dűne Watch full length. Dűne watch full length movie. Dune watch full length movie. D c5 b1ne watch full length manual. For once, I might actually be at an advantage for not having read the book. I don't know how much is removed from the novel to condense it into a feature-length film. I'm sure it's a lot, but I don't miss it. I had heard the film was impossible to understand without knowing Herbert's work, but for the most part I didn't feel lost. Yes, it's weird as hell and some stuff doesn't make sense, but that's David Lynch for you. I got on board for the bizarre ride and was treated with giant worms and funky outfits and other fun stuff. It's got a number of Lynchian touches, particularly his dreamlike sense of worldbuilding. And what a cast! I knew about Maclachlan and Sting, but I had no idea about Dean Stockwell, Brad Dourif, Linda Hunt, Max Von Sydow, Jose Ferrer, Virginia Madsen or Patrick Stewart. Every five minutes it was like "Holy sh*t, HE'S in this. Some of it is too silly (and the blue-screen work and special effects are pretty shoddy) some of it is a little dull, but in general I was entertained. It didn't make me want to read the book, and I don't think I'd watch it again, but I liked it more than I expected to.
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OK, when I first saw this, I was in agony. Now 15 years later, I can see a few things that are impressive. But essentially you have a movie that could only make sense and majesty from a masterpiece of fiction by being a minimum of 4-5 hours. The sets and costumes are well done, but the ship and weapon design was bread and butter for selling a scifi movie. This isn't a period piece, but it plays like a silly 19th century Doug McClure "Journey to the Center of the Mohave Desert" with special guest appearances by Capt Picard and Billy Babbitt. Winner of the movie that made Sean Young look as un-hot as possible.
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