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No Sign Up Watch The Deer Hunter

2020.05.08 10:21

Runtime 183Minutes / / creators Michael Cimino / Actor John Savage / Directors Michael Cimino / Audience score 298852 Votes

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Just turned thirty and this is the first time I've seen this movie. today's movies kinda suck in comparison. I can only tolerate so many super hero movies.


When they go deer hunting they are clearly not in Pennsylvania. Nice work. The slow - and I say that lovingly - opening ALLOWS us to get to know these characters. Also, we like this trio. So when they fall into such terrible jeopardy it creates near UNBEARABLE tension for, quite simply, we have come to care about them. Most boring overrated movie I had to sit through. that's my analysis. What's the name of this movie. Great movie. The first and best of the VietNam films. This hasn't the power of Hamberger Hill or the irony of Full Metal Jacket but it shows the pain of loved ones back home. DeNiro gives a 1st rate performance as does Streep. This film deserved all the Oscars it received. Full length movie Lovec jeleňov for free with streaming servers available all over the world to watch Lovec jeleňov Online also includes a portal that is very much better which provides every single movie that is available on the internet with the best possible servers over the globe to let you watch Lovec jeleňov online and enjoy what is better and what is best.

Thus, You will help the new viewer to make a choice, to watch this film or not. This has been my favorite movie for the past 15 plus years. This movie shows me just how important friendship is in life & how important a human beings life is. Its just a really great movie. You're just too good to be true. One of the most moving films ever made. Could you please post Bob Hope's appearance in 1993. Streaming Free Movie to Watch Online including Movies Trailers and Movies Clips. That magnificent Duke. happy birthday today. Was sorry to hear John Wayne sadly died not too long after this. My mother would wake us up on Sunday mornings with Wagner, and yet I cannot hear it anymore without thinking of Apocalypse Now. Same thing with this tune. The scene is so wrenchingly melancholy that I immediately think of it, every time I hear the song.

Get movie master. Oh my God Christopher Walken is damnnn 😍😍. This has been my favorite movie for years, but holy shit the trailer is so bad xD. Honestly, this is a piece of crap! I though he would have killed Palantine. Cheap scenario. Fantastic video. Why don't you think it's perfect? What's the flaws? I'd love to hear your opinions. Don't bring me down, I pray. 1.) I believe the director was trying to make the Russian Roulette sequence a symbol of each of their lives and how it touches the sanity of those who play it. I liked how the director incorporated it into the movie. It shows just the difference the 3 friends became since that event. Ever since the Russian Roulette game in Vietnam, the three friends never looked at a gun the same way again. For example, when Stan had a loaded gun aimed at Axel for fun, Michael took it seriously and even played a roulette game on himself and Stan. It seemed as though he wanted to make himself clear that playing with a gun is not a game and can lead to serious consequences. Nick became psychologically disturbed after having been forced to cheat death with the game, and went on to cheat death multiple times afterwards. It seems as though he cracked and was no longer aware of what he was doing or anyone else around him. Life just became a game. 2.) I don't believe that their different approaches to life served as an accurate prelude as to what was going to happen. Anything could have happened in the War to anyone. It just so happens that Stevie ended up having both legs amputated while Nick ended up psychologically damaged. Michael was the only one to come out of this with the least amount of damage physically or mentally. I believe any of this could have happened to either one of the three. 3.) I believe that the French character represents the darkness. He basically leads Nick into more darkness. The scene where Michael sees Nick but Nick doesn't see him and goes off with the French guy is really emotional. Nick could have been saved by Michael at that exact moment, but instead goes off with the Devil himself as it was too late to stop them. I believe the French guy represents the evil that leads Nick to delve deeper into his out-of-state mind. 4.) Mike goes back to Vietnam to find Nick after he found hope that Nick might still be alive there. When Mike went to visit Stevie in the hospital, Steve notes that someone has been sending him money monthly from Saigon, at the time very dangerous. Mike concludes that it couldn't have been anyone else but Nick, and so he set forth to find him. Unfortunately, it ended in disaster as Russian roulette ended Nick's life in the hands of a grieving Mike.

Hard to watch The Duke in such frail condition.

Sadly, we have, SURPASSED THIS TIME.