Pottering of a bicycle in Usui Pass. Vol.1
sunday,June 17,2012
Due to the rain that had continued till morning, I started late. At Shinonoi Station, I take the Rapid Service train bound for Karuizawa Station of Shinano Railway. Place the bicycle in the wheelchair space. There are few people in the train, so I can sit alone in the box seat.
I go to Usui Pass by bicycle from Karuizawa Station. If you go up a little gentle hill, it will soon become a prefectural border with Gunma Prefecture, and the road will go down. This place on the Nagano prefecture side seems to have the highest elevation in Usui Pass. If that is the case, I should have got off the train at Naka Karuizawa station and trained. I can't go back anymore, so I decided to take the downhill to Yokokawa Station.
However, looking at the sign, I immediately applied the brakes on my bicycle. There is "Curve 182". Including the previous curve, there are 184 curves, and I think it's a daunting thing to think that I'm waiting.
The rain that had fallen until this morning has not dried the road surface yet. There are puddles in some places, so I run my bicycle carefully not to slip. The traffic of the car is not heavy, but for some reason, when I run on a curve, the car comes and is not safe.
At the 119th curve, I can see bridge pier of railway. It's definitely the old Shinetsu Main Line. Other than the "Megane Bridge", it was introduced on the Internet that old structures still remain, but when you actually see it, it seems that the electric locomotive will pass by with a loud noise.
At the 95th curve, one man is looking down the road. He says the wild boar's baby "Uribo" is under the bridge. When I look at it, one "uribo" is eating the leaves. They come up close and don't scare people at all. Rather, I worry that my mother's boar will attack me.
The promenade connecting the Megane Bridge to the former Kumanodira Signal Station (Kumanodira Station at that time) seems to have been built in April this year. There are new parking lots along the national road and many cars are parked. There may be plans to build a road to Karuizawa Station in the future. The wooden trail is maintained to the former Kumanodaira signal station, and I stop the bicycle and climb it on foot.
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