
2020.05.10 03:10

QUEENESSオリジナル第二弾公開!故フレディー・マーキュリーを讃える讃歌であり1996年にKweenにより日本コロムビアからリリースされた曲を、QUEENESSでリメイク!この曲も1作目の"You're Not Alone"同様、メンバーは一度も会することなく、それぞれの自宅スタジオで録音されました。クイーンテイスト満載の楽曲、そしてそれぞれのメンバーの動きを収録したビデオをお楽しみください。

Celebrating the life of Mr. Freddie Mercury. This tune was written by Yohei Eto (the lead singer of QUEENESS) and was originally recorded in 1996 by Kween. This is a remake of the tune by QUEENESS. This was all recorded remotely as was the case for "You're Not Alone", the first original tune by QUEENESS which you can find here as well. Enjoy the Queen-like arrangement and the individual videos that are embedded in this video!

Music and Lyrics by Yohei "Freddie" Eto
Arranged by Kazuo Shimizu/QUEENESS
Recorded by QUEENESS
Video (c) 2020 by Takeshi Nishimura