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Online Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker Full Movie

2020.05.12 03:58

7 / 10
year - 2019
rating - 309076 vote
Duration - 142 minute
J.J. Abrams


zdf life




Fan trailer made with a lot of love. Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive. I miss yoda n windu. The best characters the starwars ever made. 🤢☻.

“The saga will end” Me: ok Disney: “the story lives FOREVER” Me: oh god no. I just realized. STAR WARS IS A TRILOGY OF TRILOGIES. Star wars: tian xing zhe de jue qi full movie 2017. This Is How Palpatine Is Alive In Episode IX Doesn't say how. Thumbs down. Star wars: tian xing zhe de jue qi full movie lyrics. The more I see these trailers the more I wonder why any other characters exist in the movie besides Rey. It's like they're all just extra toy side items.

Star wars: tian xing zhe de jue qi full movie free. Star Wars: Tian Xing Zhe De Jue Qi full movie. Star Wars: Tian Xing Zhe De Jue Qi Full movie reviews. We will give you the link to watch Star Wars: Episode IX- The Rise of Skywalker movie. We want to see anikin/vader. 1:00:12 you thought it was a normal droid but it was me, DIO. Here we have the best web portal to watch movies online without any registration or anything needed. I have a summary for you. Star wars: tian xing zhe de jue qi full movie video. I had a Rise of Skywalker ads... It's so proffessional... Literally nothing in this trailer is earned. Star Wars: Tian Xing Zhe De Jue Qi Full movie page imdb.


This gave me heart Palpatines. Star wars: tian xing zhe de jue qi full movie trailer. Dear user, our online cinema cares about its customers, thereby providing quality and convenient viewing of video content on the Internet site. Star wars: tian xing zhe de jue qi full movie english. Star Wars: Tian Xing Zhe De Jue Qi Full movies. You know what I'm really disappointed in? A lot of the Star Wars "fan base. How does a franchise that started with so much love and was supposed to just be a fun time at the cinema turn into something that is nowadays given so much hate and over analysed? There are plenty of bad movies out there and how so much of the spoiled, bratty movie going audience considers this film to be so bad, it's unwatchable and made with no love or care, I don't think I'll ever understand.
But I'll talk more about that later. Let's get into my thoughts on the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the third installment of the sequel trilogy, the final chapter in the Skywalker Saga. I loved it! It's just Star Wars and I love Star Wars. It is like an old friend to me, who has always been there for me, always entertained me, made me happy and it's been with me my whole life. I don't remember being introduced to it, it's just always been there. So I just have this natural love for Star Wars as a whole. I do have a list of favourite to least favourite but I still just love it all. JJ Abrams has been a favourite writer/director of mine for a while now, making content I usually love so I was thrilled to hear of his involvement with the final Star Wars episode. I was even more thrilled when hearing him talk about how important this is to him, how this is not just the final chapter in the new trilogy, but the final chapter to the saga and will be a celebration of all Star Wars and boy, was it! This film took me on a ride of emotions but the moment where I bawled my eyes out, feeling all emotion at once was during the end credits, realising the saga has ended, realising how much I love this whole story and what it has meant to me.
Because I get too excited before a Star Wars movie comes out, I always cave and end up reading the plot leaks. For The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, they were about 10% accurate so I never really worried things would be ruined for me, but it would still increase my excitement just a little more. However for The Rise of Skywalker, it was the other way around. The plot leaks were about 90% accurate! So I knew the majority of the plot while I was watching the film. But this didn't bother me. There's a difference behind reading what happens and seeing how it's executed. The amazing thing was, there were some parts of the plot leak I wasn't happy about and that's where the actual movie surprised me. Where I was worried, the movie did something I didn't see coming and pleased me! So I knew the basics, which I was already happy with but still got surprises that I loved even more.
I already love the characters of this trilogy but I love them the most in this movie. The trio of heroes are all together and have evolved into these bantering friends, having fun adventures together, some new and very entertaining characters brought into the team, a returning Lando Calrissian and a villain, my favourite character of this trilogy, given an amazing arc that satisfied me completely. As most people know, I'm sure, due to Carrie Fisher's tragic passing, she was unable to reprise her role as the iconic Leia Organa for this film. However, instead of a CGI model, a recast or an off screen death, JJ Abrams found unused footage of her from The Force Awakens that seemed to be calling to him and was able to fit itself into the movie. And it was so lovely to see. I think Carrie would have been so proud of what the production achieved to have her be apart of this story. I was very pleased with where every character ended up. I was also very pleased with the story. I got so much that I hoped for and more, I was never bored and on the edge of my seat the whole time. Even some classic adventure story elements from Indiana Jones and Harry Potter, both franchises I love, were present! And as I said about execution, the way new secrets were revealed, personally felt like they still honoured The Last Jedi's revelations in a way that's actually similar to the original trilogy. "What I told you was true, from a certain point of view" is a very Star Wars thing to do so I loved that. The only slight gripe I had was the first act feeling like it juggled bit too much but on my second viewing, I didn't feel as strongly about that point. We got some truly amazing spectacles, brilliant character moments, some fun humour, great cameos and came away with this very true love letter and celebration of Star Wars.
Now touching on what I said at the beginning of this review. It is of course more than okay to like or dislike a film but Star Wars fans just can't seem to be civil anymore. I personally feel that there are so many of these people who are spoiled, expecting too much, over thinking, over analysing, over criticising, thinking they, behind their keyboards and childish anger, are better than the people who work hard on these movies. They DO care and do love the franchise despite what some of you may think. Just because the story they wanted to tell wasn't the story you wanted to see, does not mean they tried to destroy the franchise or don't care. And once again, it is NEVER okay to brutally, verbally attack any of the cast and crew, who you probably don't even know, for their work on this movie, just because you may not have agreed with it.
I personally pity you if you live in your miserable small world where everything sucks, you attack actors and writers, say the franchise is dead and ruined, make ridiculous comparisons, can't open your minds and acceptance to other people's interpretations and waste so much hateful emotion on something that is still just a movie! Do what you want but I choose to remain in the light side. Star Wars is just meant to be a bit of weird, crazy, popcorn movie fun and not thought about so hard. Why can't we just sit back, relax and enjoy anymore? Why does everything HAVE to be done this way or that way otherwise it's awful and anyone who likes it is wrong? I'm just so done and choose not to live in such a negative, toxic world. You'd think a franchise about the light fighting the dark, finding hope when all seems lost, joining forces despite differences and doing what's right for the greater good wouldn't have so much negativity, hate and close minds unwilling to accept something they didn't expect or opinions that differ from theirs.
I loved the movie. I love the franchise. I always have fun with it. It always makes me smile. No one will ever take that away from me but at least I can turn my back on those who may try. But to, Star Wars and all the people behind it since it's beginning, I thank you for everything you've done for me and will continue to do for hopefully the rest of my life. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.
Favourite to least favourite:
1. The Empire Strikes Back: 10/10
2. Star Wars: 10/10
3. Return of the Jedi: 9/10
4. The Rise of Skywalker: 9/10
5. The Force Awakens: 9/10
6. The Last Jedi: 8/10
7. The Phantom Menace: 7/10
8. Revenge of the Sith: 7/10
9. Attack of the Clones: 6/10
Still love it all.

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Rey may be palpatine's grandaugter

None of this matters. JarJar Binks is the Sith Lord. Star wars: tian xing zhe de jue qi full movie torrent. No one will be as emotional as me when Star Wars ends once and for all! I've been a fan for almost 20 years. And I will cry when it ends. Can you blame me? Thank you Star Wars.

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4.9 / 5

Votes: 817