Verystream Watch Online The Deer Hunter
Directed by=Michael Cimino
release date=1978
user Rating=8,4 of 10
audience Score=298849 vote
writed by=Deric Washburn
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Watch Online The Deer hunter. Your follow up to this video should be from a scene of a film called At Close Range.
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They should remake the movie and cast Rusty Cage as Travis. I was freaked out after watching this movie the first time. Almost catatonic. It's just so powerful. Deniro's performance might be the greatest in cinematic history. Imo of course. Watch Online The Deer hunter x hunter. Watch online the deer hunter watch. Watch Online The deerhunter. Watch free online the deer hunter. Watch online movie the deer hunter. Don't bring me down, I pray. Its so different from book. and at times doesn't it feel to slow paced. Watch online the deer hunter 2017. Watch online the deer hunter online. The Deer Hunter and Midnight Express in on year. Jesus. Watch the deer hunter full movie online free. Watch online the deer hunter movie. Watch online the deer hunter free. Watch the incomplete deer hunter online.
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Watch online the deer hunter video. I had heard a lot about this movie, mainly negative things though. We even had a presentation in English class on the negative effects of cinema violence on society and they showed piece of this film to prove their point. After that, I just HAD to see this movie. I'm easily fooled that way, like when I heard Taxi Driver was an inspiration for Hinckley's assault on Reagan I went and rented it. Anyway, this film started off in a Godfather-type of style, wedding, characters showing their true colors and whatnot. Then it started to become its own film and from then on was excellent. I admit I lost track of the plot a few times in the movie (mainly because I have ADD) but I liked it over all. The story was very original and very bold. Michael Cimino had to have guts to direct such a controversial film as this. Everything was very realistic. Especially the extra-controversial Russian-roulette scenes. I heard at least 70 deaths were attributed to this film but I do not think that they were INSPIRED by the film. The movie wasn't meant to be INSPIRING just. The story was great though. The characters were very good as well: Michael Vronsky (Robert DeNiro) Stanley/Stosh (John Cazale) Steven (John Savage) Nick Chevotarevich (Christopher Walken) Linda (Meryl Streep) Axel (Chuck Aspegren) and John (George Dzundza. I was sad to learn John Cazale died after making this film, he was very good here, as Sal in Dog Day Afternoon, and of course as Fredo Corleone in The Godfather Part I&II. However I must give him credit, he pushed himself to finish this film. This movie is a true classic and will make you think after you watch it. There are a lot of twists and turns but everything comes together in the end. 8/10.
Tied with bladerunner for my number 1. Watch online the deer hunter cast. Watch online the deer hunter movies.
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Great Film. The Deer Hunter. I like how Deer let you Deer Hunter. about peoples sacrifices for Deer to liberty, everyone needs to remember. The Deer thank a Veteran. Watch the deer hunter online with subtitles. Editor : How many deer hunter you want Director : Yes. Watch online the deer hunter download. Watch online the deer hunter youtube. Watch online the deer hunter games. I have sent this movie 19 times and this movie is my 5th favorite movie of all time and this movie teaches film makers how to build characters and how do a war movie and this teaches you what war can do to a person and I think the deer hunter is the 2 best Vietnam movie of-all time and I am inspiring movie Director and actor and writer and if you have a dream its anything is possible and if you wanting to do something this world you can do it but it takes a lots of work and keep making great videos.