英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語


2020.04.26 08:29

COOL JAPAN〜発掘!かっこいいニッポン〜



PICKUP  地元に愛される定食屋さん

Narration:Next, Ginny from Australia visited a teishoku restaurant that is loved by locals


Narration:There’s teishoku rastaurant taht loved by locals in Kiyose City, Tokyo.


CInny:Wow, look at all this. This is all teishoku. All set menu ? but it's almost 20. All right, take a look.


Ginny:So many poople !


Narration:it's full even though it's no lunch time.


Narration:Ginny saw the wall filled with menu items. There are 200 different dishes.


Narration:Even with just the teishoku, there are over 40.


Ginny:These are all menu ? Like a different thing on the menu? That can't be right.

What's!?  I've never seen anything like this before.


Narration:Many custmers enter the reutaurant and stare at the wall


Narration:It takes pepole three to five minutes to make an order.


Narration:Some people... 


Customer:Pork cutlet teishoku and, I want to eat something with a strong flavor.


Server:A strong flavor ? Can you eat spicy food ? 


Customer:I can eat it.


Server:How about stir fried spicy bean sprouts ?


Narration:This is Shoichiro Ozaki, who opend this teishoku restaurant 50 years ago.


Narration:A line people seeking Mr. Ozaki's teishoku froms at the restaurant before it opens.


Narration: It's always full. The custmers are men and women of all ages.


Interviewer:What is the appeal this place.


Man:There's wide variety, and each one is cheep and delicious


Women:We come every saturday. I'm a Saturday girl.  I mean Lady


Narration:Ginny orders a teishoku and two side dishes, as she usually does.


Server:Here you go.


Ginny:All this !?


Narration:The chilled tohu. which is supposed to be a side dish, is about 175g


Narration:There are three tempura that are about the size of your face.


Ginny:Why do they serve large portions ?


Ozaki:We want young people to be abel to eat a lot. We want them to have the memory of eating  a lot here. That's my policy.


Narration:Satisfying customers makes Mr. Ozaki happy


Narration:They are always cutomers from when they open to when they close at 10:30.


Narration:They are always in a rush in the kitchen. He is concentrated on cooking with his wife Yumiko.


Narration:They cook many dishes simultaneously.


Interviewer:Can you remember how to make everything?


Ozaki:Sometime I forget. I ask part - time workers how I make them.


Narration:The rastaurant is open four days a week. but, it's not as if they don't work when.


Narration:In the morning, they check their stock of ingredients for their dishes and go shoping. In the afternoon, they make preparations for two days in advance.  


Narration:There's something that Mr. Ozaki is careful about in making teishoku. 


Ozaki:It's home cooking. I'm a housewife, not a chef. I don't make it salty. If it's salty, customers can't ask to have it made less solty. It's lightly seasoned, but there's salt on the table.


Narration:The dishes are lightly seasoned. Customers can add seasonig  to suit their taste


Narration:On their day off, he was making a dish in which minced carrots, onions, and meat are fried. He then subdivides it.


Narration:This is a general - purpose ingredient that can be used for ten dishes including cueey, croquette, and omlets. It reduces the amount of time it takes to cook.


Ozaki:If I prepare ingredient beforehand, " that's great. "


Narration:Even at night it's this popular. Not only the kitchen. But the eating area is also in a rush. 


Narration:At time like this, their grandson Taiga helps with the dishes. Further, their granddaughter Yua also helps out.


Ozaki:I can't pay them any money, but they still help out. I tell them that I'll heip them out later when they are in need... When I die, they'll receive insurance !


Yumiko:You don't have insurance !!


Narration:What do you tink about this popular local teishoku restaurant that is run by three generations?


🔻🔻 定食屋さんで出てきた料理の単語 🔻🔻

🍽 Pork Cutlet:とんかつ  🍽 Minced Meat Cutlet:メンチカツ

🍽 Chicken Cutlet:チキンカツ  🍽 Croquette:コロッケ

🍽 Grilled Pork with GInger:生姜焼き  🍽 Tofu and Meat:肉豆腐

🍽 Fried Noodles with Thick Sause:あんかけ焼きそば  🍽 Miso Soup:味噌汁

🍽 Stir Fried Soybean Sprouts:もやしのピリ辛炒め  🍽 Chilled Tofu:冷奴 

🍽 (Okhotsk ) Atka mackerel:ホッケ  🍽 Fried Egg:目玉焼き

🍽 Griled Mackerel Teishoku:さば定食

🔷🔹 語彙力を高める備忘録 🔹🔷

it's almost :ほとんど/ほぼ

even though ~:~なのに/~だが

wall filled:壁一面


・That can't be right:そんなこと有り得ない/そんなはずはない

・ I've never seen anything like this before:こんなの初めて見た/こんなの見たことない

⏩  I've never seen~「~を一度も見たことがない」。綺麗なものを見た驚きや感動を込めて使います。嫌なものを見た時にも使うことができます。名詞の後に like it ・like that で「そんな/そういう」という意味になります。

stare at the wall:壁をじっと見つめる

・stare at~:~を見つめる/~を眺める

make an order:注文する

・take an order :注文を受ける/注文を聞く

・place an order:注文する/お取り寄せをする

strong flavor:味が濃い


men and women of all ages:老若男女

each one:それぞれ一つずつ

as  usual :いつもの通り/相変わらず

here you go:どうぞ

is supposed to be:はず

・was supposed to be:だったはず


to be abel to ~:~ことができる


concentrate on:集中する/専念する/止める





 have it made less solty:しょっぱくない

 lightly seasoned:味が薄い

Customers can add seasonig to suit their taste:お客さん自身で味付けをしてもらう

・add seasoning:味付けする

・to suit their taste:自分の好みに合わせて


general - purpose:いろいろな用途に使われる/多目的な

reduces the amount of time:時間短縮/時間を削減


・amount of time:時間の長さ

If I prepare ingredient beforehand:あらかじめ料理を仕込んでおけば




at time like this:こんな時に

further: (距離・空間・時間が)さらに遠く