Legado en los huesos Free Watch 720p Fernando González Molina english subtitle
Genre: Crime / runtime: 121 Minute / 2019 / Country: Germany / directed by: Fernando González Molina / Writed by: Luiso Berdejo
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Another Netflix trash. So stupid and very confusing plot. Don't waste your time.
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I do not find it satisfactory that the film, having to lay the foundations for the next chapter of the story, does not have a conclusion.
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Legado nos ossos free watch english. 04/19/2020 I hope future watchers of this 2 hour+ movie get more out of it than I did? Never scary or even interesting for me. I found it hard to follow and get into. (I never did) My hope for other potential watchers is that I just wasn't paying attention close enough. So with that thought in mind, I'll rate it somewhere in the middle as to not cast dispersion on what might otherwise be a decent movie? Foreign language barrier didn't help. I consistently use c.c. in every movie for missing details that might otherwise be lost. Bon Appetit.
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