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Screambox Spenser Confidential Movie Stream

2020.05.13 16:06



sveriges television arkiv



Good cop put in lock up for 5 years, comes out to witness foulplay with a police chief getting assassinated and an innocent cop getting framed.
Mark wahlberg steps up and become spenser confidential.
Its not bad, its a fun ride. But you are not missing anything if you dont watch the movie. Capiche.

Thought of James Corden sex scene is disgusting

I fell in love with her character ride or die wifey for sure... Spenser kanunlar c4 b1 benefits. Not super hard to figure out. Well shot. Good story, even though it's a remake. I think it was done well. But overall I actually really liked it. Some roles are good for Whalberg. but this one is a perfect fit for him. Spenser Confidential should have been made into a mini-series. Just watched Spencer last night and it was a really good movie! Saw Iliza on screen with the Boston accent and was like, she looks familiar, who is that 🤔🤣. Spencer Confidential (2020) Full Movie HD Full Movie Streaming. Well, it seems that I got myself caught by the Netflix algorithm that suggested that this film was quite popular in Australia. Honestly, I probably should have done what I normally do and check the rating on IMDB to determine whether I actually want to waste my time watching it or not. Anyway, it did happen to star Mark Whalberg, and he does happen to be a pretty cool actor, and his movies aren't all that bad either, so I decided to give it a go.
Anyway, the film is about this guy named Spenser who beat up his sergent and ended up in gaol (oh, he is a cop, to avoid any confusion. Anyway, he is finally released and he is trying to put his life back together when he discovers that his former sergent, and another cop, have been killed. Suspecting that there is something fishy going on he decides to investigate, despite the fact that not only is he not a cop, but that he is also a convicted felon.
Well, it turns out that there is this massive conspiracy involving corrupt cops, the Irish mafia, and Mexicans (yeah, it has to be Mexicans doesn't it. Anyway, you can probably work out what eventually happens because, well, this is one of those films that is like that. Mind you, the whole explanation as to why he landed up in gaol happens halfway through the film, and yeah, it is an exposition, but sometimes you really can't avoid it. Mind you, while you can generally guess the ending, half the fun of such films is working out how they got there.
Yeah, this is another one of those corrupt cops trying to make money type films because, well, being a cop doesn't actually pay all that well, and it turns out that it is the honest ones that end up suffering. Look, as a film it wasn't too bad, but it really wasn't all that outstanding either. In a way it does seem to be trying to be one of those gritty crime dramas, which I do happen to like, but it doesn't quite have the same charm that the really good ones happen to have. I guess in a way it has a lot to do with is being a straight to Netflix type of film.
Look, if you like crime dramas then you may like this one, but the reality is there is nothing about it that makes it stand out. In a way it is just another film that simply adds to the list of the thousands of films that are already out there, and there are most likely much better ones to watch than this particular one.

This is probably the closest we get to a grand theft auto movie. I love this show. Definitely going to watch but I see Idris Elba as Hawk though. I loved this movie from the first scene. So entertaining! AND I have the exact comment to make about my first time seeing Ilizas stand up 🥰😍. Ah so it is based on the old tv show Spenser For Hire. Spenser kanunlar c4 b1 side effects.

Wow, Netflix! Looks good ! Anything with Mark Wahlberg is always excellent

Okay no jokes 2:38 reveals a twist that guy is vulture WTF man. Decent movie. Production isn't great. Didn't develop relationship between spenser and Hawk they are just best friends all of a sudden. Lame ending, decent action. Coronavirus triple.

