Syfy Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker Watch Full
J.J. Abrams.
genres - Fantasy.
309076 Votes.
average ratings - 6,9 of 10 Stars.
Release year - 2019
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You made a mistake- Ezra Bridger was not one of the Jedi that spoke to Rey. 98% comments about” comments were disabled” 1.9% real comments 0.1 percentage comments. 1:52 I finally heard Vaders theme a little bit. If Palpy can come back then why can't Porkins? I'm still waiting for his stand alone movie: Disney's Star Wars: Pork Wars - A Star Wars Story: by Disney. Yea true fans were the only ones to notice THE ONLY BLACK GUY IN STARWARS. Obviously not the only one. Its a joke.
Apart from all the there is another jokes, I think they're serious about the story ending, and sure, idk they might make another star wars fifteen yrs from now but after seeing this, it puts a tear in my eye to see this end. Is it just me or does it feel like this opening crawl is revealing too much about the movie which makes the movie itself predictable.
Yeah Lando is going to say no to free money...
One thing I like about these Disney Star Wars movies is that it makes me appreciate Lucas detail for the prequels.
This was perfect.
So you miss no new trailer, please activate the Bell! 🔔😊.
Certainly the worst Star Wars movie, horrible plot holes you could drive a death star through. Describing all the bad things will just raise my blood pressure. A terrible ending to a terrible recent trilogy.
I sincerely hope and pray that the story, characters, and plot of the original trilogy are not harmed in any way from this new film. How are they gonna fix the mess that other director made with Last Jedi? He seriously killed off everyone's dreams. I can't believe what I've just watched, they crammed a trilogy into 2.5hrs. The first half was just exposition and jumping around and the second half was just ex-machina after ex-machina. Disney haven't totally destroyed star wars after this, just the things Rey does is just ridiculous. The main plot for the first half of the film was pointless, none of the cast seemed to have any charisma with each other all they did was bicker and argue. Just wow I actually laughed out loud in the screening at the last scene it was so predictable and cringe worthy and forced, Disney should be ashamed of what they have done with George's universe.
Ian Mcdiarmid is going to carry this entire movie as Palpatine.
First of all how can anyone give this film a bad rating? We got answers from questions that where asked in The Force Awakens, it was a brilliant film with a great story line and we finally get to see the Emperor again! This is the best one out of the new trilogy and I personally think it's one of the best out of the whole saga! May the force be with us all.
Finally, after so much mystery 😄🖤.
Harrison Ford be like Shaka when the walls fell. The George scream in Episode 9 is an insult onto injury. R.I.P 30 lost John Talk vids. Hope you can get them back John. 👍. Cant wait to see Kylo's helmet repaired, the red lines will give it a very Kintsugi look. Kathleen Kennedy looks like snoke. In decline is putting it mildly. I'd say it's a train wreck. I cried my ass off when that orchestra started playing realising that this is the end 😭😭😭.
When the trailer is better than the movie. George: Let's tell even more about how it all started.
- Zombieland: Double Tap