足つぼ健康法|Foot Pot|2020/05/14
一日一新の16日目。今日は足つぼ健康法で身体の悪い部分を見つける。アジアに行くと必ず足裏マッサージに行っていた。香港の尖沙咀にあるお店のお兄ちゃんのマッサージは最高によく、毎日通ったほどだ。しかしコロナの影響でなかなかマッサージにもアジアにもいけなくなってしまった。今後はセルフマッサージが中心になるだろうから、今のうちに知識をつけておこう。足裏をグリグリ押して痛みを感じるところをチェック。あたたたー。これは胃だ。あたたたー。ここは目だ。STAY HOMEで食べ過ぎ、テレビの見過ぎってことかなぁ。
The 16th day of doing something new everyday. Today' s task is to find the bad part of the body with the foot pot health method. Whenever I went to Asia, I went to a foot massage. The staff of massage shop in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong was so good that I went there everyday. However, due to the influence of corona, I couldn't go to massage or Asia. Self-massage will be the main focus in the future, so let's acquire some knowledge now. Check where I feel pain by pushing the soles of my feet. Ouch. My stomach is bad condition. Ouch! My eyes are bad condition too. I think I eat and watch TV too much at STAY HOME.