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!Shudder! Molly's Game Free Full

2020.05.14 10:12

7.6/ 10stars

Canada year=2017 Directed by=Aaron Sorkin Rating=125937 Votes 8 of 10 Synopsis=Molly's Game is a movie starring Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, and Kevin Costner. The true story of Molly Bloom, an Olympic-class skier who ran the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game and became an FBI target

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Molly& 39;s game trailer. Hp envy 27s. Molly's game free. Didn't think I would like the film at the beginning, but it grew on me. Sorkin knows how to write dialogue and made some good decisions on pacing. Though felt the other characters could have had more screen time like between Cera's Player X or other Hollywood celebs. Sorkin seemed to gloss over those characters from the book and made them a little to generic. Costner seemed a little hammy with his demanding father protrayal. That being said, both Idris Elba and Jessica Chastain really delivered strong performances on their characters. Both of whom made it worth watching.

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By now most people interested in movies might have heard about the true story of ex freestyle Olympic champion Molly Bloom who, after a devastating fall, recycled herself as THE nominal princess of clandestine poker game organizer extraordinaire for the rich and famous. Some of her wealthy patrons were on the very shady side of the law namely russian and italian mobsters.
The story is one of vertiginous heights and precipitous lows at the hands of the FBI who wanted information which a principled Molly was unwilling and, for the most part, unable to give since she had very limited contact with her clients other than during the games themselves.
Molly is played with energy and ferocity by an actress which I love, Jessica Chastain, but she's hobbled by a too dense script and multiple voice overs which burden the action and drag the story down.
I've decided I've never actually liked any of Aaron Sorkin's scripts. The last one I saw of his was Steve Jobs it too suffered from too much exposition and redundant verbiage. Sorkin has never seen a word which he didn't love, wonderful, I love words too, but sometimes less is more.
This is what I learned from Molly's Game. Molly had a competitive streak nurtured by daddy Furher played indifferently by Kevin Costner. She had an affinity for expensive Louboutin shoes, a couture wardrobe, money, lots of it, and the presence of powerful men with copious deep pockets. She was mostly lonely, had no friends, relationships and interests other than the weekly organized
poker extravaganza 250.000 gets you a seat, courtesy of a lavish suite at the Plaza Hotel in New York city.
To make money you have to spend money. Lots of care is lavished on Jessica Chastain who's never looked sexier in a vampy sort of way. Felt like her breasts were auditioning for a part and landing the coveted roles every single time. It's going to hit you in the eye I guarantee it if you go and see the film.
Hot shot lawyer Charles, played with a sinuous American accent by Idris Alba predictably takes on the role of defense even though Molly is now broke and can't really afford him.
The film is overly long. My mind wandered especially during the technical exposé on the finer art of poker playing. Sorkin does the same for skiing at the very beginning. Not a great start, I want to SEE not just hear and be told.
A bravura performance by Jessica Chastain and so-so directing and script writing by Sorkin don't quite make the cut.
I give it a lethargic B- to C+ can't quite decide.

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