SockShare Sergio Download Full
- Score - 4153 votes
- Greg Barker
- Release date - 2020
- Country - USA
- User Rating - 6,7 of 10
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Sergio download full. Sergio download full game. A really great opportunity to present a retrospective of an independently-minded, high ranking UN official - head of the UNHCR, Sergio Vieira de Mello - that could probably manage to put itself to sleep; certainly it just about managed to do that to me. What is clear from the narrative is the extent to which this diplomat - played here by Wagner Moura - was prepared to thumb his nose at the established power brokers, and to roll his sleeves up and get stuck in to improve the lives of many in poverty and peril. As he nears the end of this appointment, and looking forward to a quieter life with Ana de Arnas, de Mello takes a final assignment in Baghdad and when the walls, quite literally, come tumbling down he is compelled to face up to some stark, life-changing choices. The screenplay is tortuously uninspiring. Given the subject matter, it lacks any sense of the intrepidity and courage of the subject. Moura is OK - but this needed an actor (Banderas, perhaps? who could own the story better; give the character some depth. At two hours, it rather statically stretches out the tedium a bit too far. Pity - the man was clearly meritorious of a better epitaph.
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