∑NBC Avengers: Endgame Download
USA / creators Keith Giffen, Stan Lee / scores 705075 vote / / Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth / Tomatometer 8,6 / 10
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Lazy plotline used(timetravel) a good climax but the rest was pretty boring. Only people who love the mcu would think this is an above average movie.
I am not particularly a huge supporter of superhero movies. But I believe that Avengers Endgame was one of the best movies of the year. The plot, the cinematography, character development; it was all there. From beginning to end I was on the edge of my seat and filled with emotion.
Good job, Marvel.
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Whats sad is everyone who was in a plane/train/car/in space/in the middle of road most likely all died and people who had wives and husbands could of remarried and their houses and stuff sold animals gone although the avengers saved lives millions would of died.
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”movies most wanted”, I luv your name dude ! 🤘.
I've a strong feeling that everyone who used the sentence whatever it takes are going to die in the movie.
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1:32:48, amazing. Atriebēji: Noslēgums download. AtriebÄji: NoslÄgums download download. “I see a suit of Armor around the world.” And theres Rhodes, Pepper, and Peter clad in suits He built them. AtriebÄji: NoslÄgums download pdf. Can't believe that Avengers:Endgame was released for one year ago. Bruh i hate those people in movies that want to finish the line like SHUT UP LOL YOU WOULD BE IN THE MOVIE if we wanted to hear u. AtriebÄji: NoslÄgums download page.
I wonder how much longer it would take for tony to find a way to withstand the energy
0:28 He sounds just like his character Jackson from A Star is born. Black Widow - Shoots bullets Thanos - Am i a joke to you. AtriebÄji: NoslÄgums download ebook. I am a big fan of the MCU, I have watched every Marvel movie ever released, even the not so good ones prior to the MCU. I thought Infinity War was incredible and this simply did not follow up the hype for me. The first two hours were pretty boring for me, I didn't like the fact that they made Thor into a punchline for the entire movie, it would have been fine if they did that before the time jump, or made him somehow get back into shape, but it was just dumb. The Hulk was not a physical presence for the second straight movie now. Black Widow's death was the one that I felt the most, Stark's end was touching while Spidey was there, but when Pepper stepped in, her lack of emotion made me feel nothing also. The fight scene at the end was great, but other than that, it was a so-so movie for me.
I still remember the day I went to watch Iron Man in 2008 back when I was 11 years old. Love these series so much. Endgame is my favorite movie so far.
Avengers: Endgame tries to do it all, but falls flat if you're not a die hard MCU Fan who obsesses about all the characters and details. While Infinite War upped the ante and delivered, Endgame in comparison has too much not very intriguing character mediations instead of development. And it isn't much help that the final scene plays out similiar to Infinity War. While it is an enjoyable movie and a fitting end to the Saga of the Infinity Stones, it's much more exciting to think about what might lie ahead in the MCU.
Captain America: joined the game. Iron-man: Joined the game Thor: Joined the game Hawkeye: Joined the game Hulk: Joined the game War Machine: Joined the game Rocket: Joined the game Black Panther: Joined the game Okoye: Joined the game Shuri: Joined the game Falcon: Joined the game Dr. Strange: Joined the game Mantis: Joined the game Drax: Joined the game Star-Lord: Joined the game Spider-man: Joined the game Wakandans: Joined the game Howard the Duck: Joined the game Bucky: Joined the game Groot: Joined the game Mbaku: Joined the game Korg:Joined the game Valkyrie:Joined the game Einherjar: Joined the game Beserkers: Joined the game Asgardains: Joined the game Miek: Joined the game Scarlet Witch: Joined the game Wong: Joined the game Sorcerers:Joined the game Wasp: Joined the game Ant-man: Joined the game Ravagers: Joined the game Pepper Potts: Joined the game Sakaarans: Joined the game Vision: Spectating Black Widow: Spectating Loki: Spectating Stan Lee: Spectating Quicksilver: Spectating Thanos: Joined the game Cull Obsidian: Joined the game Proxima Midnight: Joined the game Ebony Maw: Joined the game Corvus Glaive: Joined the game Leviathan: Joined the game Chitauri Gorilla: Joined the game Outriders: Joined the game Thor: Obtained “Stormbreaker” Captain America: Obtained “Mjolnir” Wakandans: Used “War Cry” Captain America: Used “Attack” Thanos: Used “Attack” Ant-Man: Used “Giant Punch” on “Leviathan” Drax: Used “Unnecessary and Super Optimistic Rapid Stab” on “Cull Obsidian” Iron- Man: Used “Battle Bond” with “Pepper Potts” Cull Obsidian: Used “Wowza Punch!” On “Iron-Man.” Spider-Man: Used “Slingshot web” on “Cull Obsidian” to PROTECC ironman Iron-Man: Used “Hug” on “Spider-Man.” Clint: Obtained “Infinity Gauntlet” Black Panther: Obtained “Infinity Gauntlet” from “Clint” Thanos: Used “Super Cool Looking Boomerang Attack thingimaji” on “Black Panther” Spider-Man: Obtained “Infinity Gauntlet” Scarlet Witch: Used “BeAStMoDE” on “Thanos” Thanos: Used “Rain FIRE” Sorcerers: Used “Shield Spell” Captain Marvel: Has joined the Game Captain Marvel: Used “AsS WHoOpiNg” on “Chitauri” Captain Marvel: Obtained “Infinity Gauntlet” from “Spider-man” Thanos: Obtained “Infinity Gauntlet” Thanos: Used “Unsuccessful Snap” Iron-man: Obtained “Iron-Man Infinity Gauntlet” Iron-man: Used “Snap.” Cull Obsidian: Left the game Ebony Maw: Left the game Proxima Midnight: Left the game Corvus Glaive: Left the game Leviathan: Left the game Chitauri: Left the game Chitauri Gorilla: Left the game Thanos: Left the game Iron-Man: Used “I love you 3000” Iron-Man: Left the game Spiderman: Has been kicked from the game. Spiderman: Rejoined the game.
You here that one guy say I have a dream when Black Panther came out. Lol. Odin: Are you the God of Hammers? Thor: Yes... Atriebēji: Noslēgums downloads. AtriebÄji: NoslÄgums. Thor is the strongest avenger I like him. When Tony meets his dad that hits hard for me😢. Atriebēji: Noslēgums. Look at the way Thor puts his head down when hulk puts the glove. Thanos broke him.
Who else thought this was Fan made within the first 25 seconds. 😂. La pirateria non è mai sparita.
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