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2020.05.15 16:47

Tomatometers - 7,3 of 10

audience Score - 281706 votes

It's 2031, seventeen years after authorities in seventy-nine countries decided collectively to combat global warming with the coolant CW-7. The result was the Earth being immediately sent into a deep freeze, killing all human life except a handful who now live on an "ark", a revolutionary train built before 2014 by a train aficionado named Wilford (Ed Harris), the train which at that time was considered useless and self-indulgent. The train is required to be constantly moving to generate energy for life inside, it which circumnavigates the globe on a single continuous track once every year. The train is still controlled in all of its aspects by Wilford, who has created three separate classes housed in different parts of the train: the privileged "one percent", who are at the front of the train, the workers who support both ends and occupy the middle of the train, and the "tail people", the masses who live at the back of the train like cattle in a windowless cattle car, they being solely fed protein bars, whose ingredients the tail people do not know. The face of Wilford's ideology to those in the tail end is Minister Mason (Tilda Swinton), as Wilford never ventures to that end of the train. Some of the policies which Wilford has implemented is taking many of the children from the tail end for an unknown purpose never to be seen by the people in the tail end again, and committing occasional indiscriminate genocide in the tail end, most of the tail people believing as a method of population control, and to demonstrate his dictatorial power in an effort to have a complacent populace amongst the masses. There have been many attempts of revolution by the tail people in the past, all quashed by Wilford. Curtis (Chris Evans), one of the tail people, wants to attempt another revolution, he believing all past attempts having failed because they have focused on Wilford, as opposed to what he feels needs to occur for power: take control of the engine at the front. Supporting Curtis in this fight are, amongst others: Gilliam (Sir John Hurt), the wise old man; Edgar (Jamie Bell), who Curtis took under his wing when he became orphaned in the early years; and Tanya (Octavia Spencer) and Andrew (Ewen Bremner), who want to find their children taken away. Along the way, they have to co-opt Namgoong Minsoo (Song Kang-ho), an addict of a synthetic hallucinogen called Kronole, he who designed the security system, namely the locking mechanism of the gates between all the train cars. As Curtis and his team try to work their way from car to car from the tail to the front, their priorities are influenced by what they see, what they learn, and by revelations including secrets from their individual pasts

Director - Bong Joon Ho

Ed Harris

Countries - South Korea

✧✧ ✫✪✼§∞✱✲♠♡♤⇩✵ψ★★♡✰


✧✧ http://www.zdf-de-mediathek.com/?

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Didn't really like the film. loved your analysis of it. made me see it in a different light

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Snowpiercer fish scene. Snowpiercer netflix. Snowpiercer 720p. My fav hero ever. Snowpiercer network. Snowpiercer ost. Snowpiercer we go forward. How the heck did I watch this movie and didn't realize that Chris Evans was the protagonist. Dumb af. Damn i feel bad for that guy 5:23. Snowpiercer Online Free Putlocker fulL movIe watch oNLine fmovIeS Watch (Snowpiercer) Online TVLine Snowpiercer fuLL movie [2020] iN eNglish witH sUbtitles...

Snowpiercer yts. This accounts for time that I will never get back in my life, don't make my mistake and watch this disaster. It makes you wonder whether some stars bother to read the script before signing up for some movies. Despite a star cast this is a truly messed up film with an illogical plot and totally unbelievable scenarios.
I will try and make this spoiler free and rely on information from the movie previews and advertising.
First, why a train? It just makes no sense to save humanity in a post-apocalyptic world covered in snow and ice. There are so many hazards that could stop the train, that would require people to go outside to fix that it just makes the whole premise unbelievable. The risk of derailment alone would have this thrown out of a brain-storming session for 'ideas to save humanity' that it wouldn't even make the first cut.
The special effects are okay, nothing spectacular. Some bizarre concepts for what the world would look like if it froze over that just don't add up if you go with the films timelime and back story.
The acting isn't terrible given the poor script that they had to work with. It's just a real shame that with the great cast of actors that this wasn't a better film. The stand out actress for me will be obvious to you. Ed Harris just plays the same role as he does in The Truman Show.
There is a point near the end of the film where, if you had managed to make it that far, you will get to the 'goal' of one of the main protagonists with their saved up stash and just think WTF! Why did he not just use that at the beginning of the whole movie and save us over an hour of our lives. You have been warned.

What I took from the that part went extinct recently bit was that the kid they had got too tall. This is really good commentary. I thought that you used very good analogies to history since history was all that I've seen. However, although it may seem that capitalism is a system that seems to place poverty at a certain level of choice; in this society, I do believe that it is in some way or another designed. Much like Snowpiercer, there are also tactics used to control the populations as well. When over or under medication, pollution, and other ways are not good enough, then forces become involved. This system, seeming like it is controlled by individuals provides fuel for those who are either already making it or have the opportunity. However, if you visit impoverished neighborhoods and deeply analyze the opportunities for escaping it, you will see the design.

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