(BritBox) Movie Stuber
Rating=6,4 of 10 Stars
duration=93 minute
Director=Michael Dowse
story=Stuber is a movie starring Dave Bautista, Kumail Nanjiani, and Mira Sorvino. A detective recruits his Uber driver into an unexpected night of adventure
31797 vote
Stuber movie trailer. Movie stuber ratings. Get ready for the ride of your life in this high-speed buddy comedy fueled by huge laughs and nonstop action! When a mild-mannered driver named Stu (Kumail Nanjiani) picks up a passenger (Dave Bautista) who turns out to be a cop hot on the trail of a brutal killer, Stu is thrust into a harrowing ordeal in which he desperately tries to hold onto his wits, his life and his five-star rating. Directed By Michael Dowse Written By Tripper Clancy Produced By Jonathan Goldstein, p. g. a John Francis Daley, p. a Cast Kumail Nanjiani, Dave Bautista, Iko Uwais, Natalie Morales, Betty Gilpin, Jimmy Tatro, with Mira Sorvino, and Karen Gillan.
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Movie in theater or to enjoy the full movie at your home either way. Movie stuber reviews. Movie stuber trailer. Movie stuber imdb. Stuber movie review. Movie stube. Movie stuber cost.