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キOnline Freeサ Interstellar Free Movie

2020.05.16 21:57

Duration=169minute; audience score=1406292 vote; ; director=Christopher Nolan; writers=Jonathan Nolan; average Rating=8,8 of 10 star

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The bit where he left his daughter broke my heart. That background organ music is what pumps extra emotional depths and physical dimensions into this scene. It is the umbilical cord that connects the ordinary human experiences with the higher-dimensional manifestations of time.

One of the greatest if not the best science fiction movie I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. Going to be watching this in 4k for the first time this weekend. Movies like this is what 4k is meant for. You know it a good movie when: You watch it every time it passes on TV and you enjoy it, as an INCREDIBLE story, one of the bests soundtracks, and after you watch it, you just can't stop thinking, in possibilites You dont cry, dont feel nothing, but at the same time, you feel everithing, just like if this was real, i dont know, im. almost at tears. Girl: hAve YUo eVeR exPerienced reAL EmOtioN bEforE. me: go watch this movie than youll see.

When I have to cry out of momentarily nostalgic happiness I watch this. Me when i stay home and my friend calls me from school. Me sees a small parking spot that's impossible to park Gf: why are you looking like that, what are you doing Me : docking. Jorge, can you put up the scene where he's going backwards through the wormhole and he shakes dr. brands hand. What a sensational character, Murph.


This scene right here. The most Epic scene in history. Newton's fourth law of thermodynamics. MD+O=R Translation. Matt Damon + Airlock =Explosion. An hour long version of S. T.A.Y. it's impossible. NO, IT'S NECESSARY. “I get older, they stay the same age.” -David Wooderson.

Robin and Joker met in high school And now they are after Batman's tail

Best movie ever <3. The way you blended the songs together is fantastic. This is the best film I'm ever seen❤. That moment when you realize that your only friend is a robot. 1.1k people who disliked this video are FLAT EARTHERS. The scene with McKenzie Foy and Matthew McConaughey before Cooper left for the launch, and scene driving away. The acting... music, and atmosphere of the whole dilemma he was faced with. Shit. I was crying so damn much at that scene.


Director's Cut: Cooper Station is named after your daughter Sir. But you'll be happy to know I do have relatives that live on 'Alright! Alright! Alright! Station' just outside Mars.



Interstellar - by Plaisance Teresa, May 17, 2020
4.1/ 5stars