∥HD 1080p El hoyo Movie Watch
Rating 107224 Votes. info In a dystopian near future with absence of resources, people can freely to go into The Hole, a vertical underground jail where after an interview to check the possible admission, the volunteer passes a determined time in exchange to acquire more social status. Hoping to get an approved title, Goreng wakes up in the level 48 to discover The Hole's structure: only one cell of 6 meters height (so-so 20 feet) per level with a rectangular hole in the middle in all them, used by The Hole's administration to descend a too rectangular floating platform with the food for all prisoners, downing from level 0 (the restaurant in the surface where food is cooked) to the bottom, standing 2 minutes per level. With veteran Trimagasi as cell's partner, Goreng learns eventually The Hole's main rules: 1st, each inmate arrives The Hole with a personal object to chose from the exterior; 2nd, the inmates can't keep food off the platform under penalty to die by extreme heat or cold; and 3rd, one time per month all inmates are asleep using gas in order to exchange all them of level. But when a month later they both wake up in the level 171, Goreng learns for his horror that all the inmates divide in four types: those in the upper levels who eat with more time to think, those in the mid levels who eat the rests of the food left in the platform, those in the lower levels whose don't eat after platform arrives empty becoming in demented and starved killers, and finally those who jump to the void by the hole, crashing against lower levels to being cannibalized by the savage inmates. Saved to be killed by Trimagasi in the last minute by Miharu, a silent and violent young girl who time and time again descends in the platform looking for her missing child forced to be in The Hole, Goreng starts lose his mind in a place without morality or humanity, passing from level 23 to 252 with Imoguiri (Goreng's interviewer and an ingenuous about the reality of The Hole) as new partner to finally arrive in level 6 with Baharat as lately partner, who tries with a rope scaling to level 0. But Goreng tells Baharat a better plan to leave The Hole. user ratings 7,7 of 10 stars. writer David Desola. Spain. Horror
This is the artsy version of TLC's My Strange Addictions lol. 🤑أنه سجن قمار🎲 لهذا وجدت فيه بعض 🕹ميزات وموت هو اللعبة🎮 للفوق من أجل القمار🃏 وفوز♣️ تلك رسالة شفقة و فرصة نجات للطفلة البريئة راه يكون جزء 2. Whos here finding movies and shows cause we in quarantine. El hoyo Movie watching. El hoyo 2019 movie watch online. El verdadero problema del socialismo: es que va en contra del egoismo y el egoismo es una cualidad humana, por lo tanto; el socialismo no es compatible con el humanismo. Viste la peli? obvio. El hoyo Movie watch tv. La parte de la película que mas me afectó fue cuando la mujer que tenía el perrito se ahorcó para que Goren comiera su carne y no muriera de hambre. Lo malo es que esa mujer tenía cáncer y su pecho estaba todo podrido.
El hoyo movie watch english. El hoyo Movie watch. Vas a esperar a que zomByte haga un resumen sobre la película en vez de verla Yo : obvio. El hoyo Movie watch online. Tu aclaración al decir el hoyo de Netflix viendo tu cara provocó que ahogara y quemara con el café,gracias😂. El hoyo Movie watch video. El hoyo movie watch online. El hoyo Movie watch dogs. So according to tom he just found the hole when he woke up that morning but his girlfriend works in the hole? I guess you can call that... a plot hole. If this happened in Japan, I bet you theres 80% chance everyone would work together and stay alive. Sólo son teorias pensé que este era un video en serio y me iba a aclarar el final de esta nefasta película... Que perdida de tiempo payaso...
A lo que vinimos 0:14. Nadie es el mismo después de ver el hoyo Yo: ESPERA QUEE. El hoyo de Netflix Yo: AWANTA, AWANTA! Okey no, lo siento, tenía que hacerlo Ver la película Naaah Esperar que Zombyte la resuma Seeeh. A LAS FINALES TODO RESULTO UNA TAREA DE VACIONES 😀😀😀. الفلم فد شيي❤😍😍. El hoyo Movie. El único defecto que le encuentro a la película es el audio pareciera que los actores te susurrar an en ves de hablar. Watching this made my throat hurt. -¿Te gusta el contenido de Zombyte? Obvio.
لو كل واحد اكل <الطبق المفضل> و ريحونا من القرف حقهم. Dicción. I was just curious about the VFX. When u see the first comment that does not end with In the hole. (Well it ended with. See you guys in another 5 years when this suddenly pops into your recommendation. El hoyo movie watch free. Por fin. Zombyte estuve actualizando tu canal todos los dias en espera de ver el video jejej y por fin llegó! 😊😊😆😆. Yo incluso llegue a pensar que la mujer se embarazo ahí de la niña y ahí la tuvo, aunque sería una situación muy dificil.
الفيلم بطل والله شفتو اول مبارح وحبيتو جداً بنصحكن تشوفو❤️.
Welcome back quarantine-mates! I hope you all are staying safe out there and staying home. We'll continue to review some interesting flicks for you. This weekend we have for you Platform. It's from 2019, but it is just now hitting the pinnacle of Netflix lore in March of 2020. The idea behind Platform is that we follow Ivan Massague, as Goreng, as he's stuck in a "vertical prison" with one cell per level, 2 people per cell, and the only food provided to the cells comes down on a platform in the middle of the cell and two minutes per day to feed all of the levels. Let's see how Goreng's experience turns out.
First things first, I papa freaks all the hunnies. bunnies. Wrong first thing. I digress. First, this movie is in Spanish, originally. I chose to watch with the dubbed English. I understand that creates a difficulty for some people. I suggest, if you watch this, put on the dubbed version and keep it pushing. The voices are annoying and the writing is tragic. If I hear the word "obviously" again in the next couple of days, I'm slapping that person on site! Those of you who watched know exactly what I mean.
Second, the idea of the movie is intriguing. For those horror/thriller cinephiles out there, picture a combination of the Cube series mixed with The Belko Experiment and Saw or Escape Room (minus games. Stating that, I've said too much but maybe I've also peaked your interest. If I take all the great points of those movies, then we'd be on the right track. Platform is not on that track. In the gory and gross categories, Platform can stand a slight chance. Otherwise, this movie lacks depth. Sure, the concept is interesting until you realize you're just watching a different version of the Cube with food (because how did those people in Cube survive without food. neither here nor there. It's ironic to say the movie lacks depth when the whole movie harps on how deep/far the platform goes down! The writers were on to something, but it feels like they just gave up half-way through and said, Yeah this is too stupid even for us. Let's just get Netflix to pay us for content."
Finally, this movie lacks resolution and any real explanation. Even though my description states that it's a prison, Platform never explicitly acknowledges whether it really is a prison. Oh, these idiots are locked in alright but what country started this prison system. Shoot! This might be a more effective deterrent to crime than our actual system, but alas we'll never find out. Social experiment vs. Prison reform? You'll never find out.
Needless to say, thank God this movie came to streaming only. Forget that the movie has subtitles or poor dubbing, Platform has no direction. That's difficult to say for a movie that literally just goes up and down for an hour and half. For my horror/thriller fans out there. you'll get your handful of popcorn out of this but everyone else this is a single popped kernel that if you're desperate and not squeamish I'd say pop in.
She loves to SWALLOW. 1:41 a lo mejor los chefs tampoco sabían de lo que hay en el hoyo. Yo entendí también que por ahí querían llevar la película. Excelentes videos. El hoyo movie watch hd. And those who fall. Reaction for the purge movies.
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