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1337x The Breakfast Club Movie

2020.05.17 05:14

Countries: USA. John Hughes. summary: Beyond being in the same class at Shermer High School in Shermer, Illinois, Claire Standish, Andrew Clark, John Bender, Brian Johnson and Allison Reynolds have little in common, and with the exception of Claire and Andrew, do not associate with each other in school. In the simplest and in their own terms, Claire is a princess, Andrew an athlete, John a criminal, Brian a brain, and Allison a basket case. But one other thing they do have in common is a nine hour detention in the school library together on Saturday, March 24, 1984, under the direction of Mr. Vernon, supervising from his office across the hall. Each is required to write a minimum one thousand word essay during that time about who they think they are. At the beginning of those nine hours, each, if they were indeed planning on writing that essay, would probably write something close to what the world sees of them, and what they have been brainwashed into believing of themselves. But based on their adventures during that nine hours, they may come to a different opinion of themselves and the other four. Actor: Emilio Estevez. score: 336907 Vote. genre: Comedy



The breakfast club. The breakfast club rvc ny. The breakfast club 1985. "Saturday, March 24, 1884. Shermer High School. Shermer, Illinois, 60062."
Most people would give an exasperated sigh at that monotonous voice-over, but not in this case, since preceding it was a David Bowie lyric from "Changes" on a black screen smashed like a glass window, the pieces falling to reveal Shermer High. Such an opening visual wakes up the audience to the sleepy town of Shermer, Illinois- sleepy like the monotone of the voice-over.
What you get from the voice-over is that five people have detention from 7:00 a.m. to dinnertime (I believe it's 6:00 p.m. and each person is a typical high school teenage stereotype: the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, and the criminal. Following the voice-over, you witness each student arrive at school.
The princess skipped class to go shopping, but her father clearly spoils her and doesn't seem to care much about her offense. Because we know so early what Claire (the princess) did to get the detention, we assume that her character is easy to read. But after a while, you find out that her parents use her for leverage in a crumbling and loveless marriage; that she's no promiscuous "little-miss-popular, but rather a naive virgin; and she actually hates being the popular person she is, and hates her material world and the pressures in it.
The athlete's father seems to be genuinely concerned about his son. He says that guys "screw around" and that's customary, except this time Andy (the jock) got caught, and he has to suffer the consequences now. His father tells him to basically get his act together, because no school will give scholarships to discipline cases- which is true, and he's right. But throughout the movie it's revealed that Andy has no desire to be a varsity wrestler; he only does it because it makes his father proud. And then you find out that the reason Andy is in detention is because he beat up a much weaker kid in the locker room. Why? Because his father dislikes weakness, and Andy wanted to please his father. Once Andy's heartbreaking story is told, you look back on the conversation between Andy and his father in the truck and realize what a douche-bag his father really is.
The brain's case is possibly the most surprising of all of them. Brian (brain, with the "a" and the "i" reversed) is a straight-A student who seems to be picked on a lot by people like Claire, Andy, and the criminal. He always tries to fit in, and you wonder what got such a nice kid in detention in the first place? A gun in his locker, because he failed wood-shop (a class he thought would be easy and give him a chance to mingle with more "average" and popular kids) and ruined his 4.0 GPA. It's not really his family that pressures him so much (although you can see in the beginning that his mother isn't happy with him AT ALL) but rather himself, because school smarts are the only smarts that people like him really know, and they are afraid to fail at the one thing they are good at. (Take it from someone who was almost exactly like him in junior high- minus the gun.) Although the gun was only a flare, it showed everyone else at detention that Brian needed to break out of his shell and become their friend.
The criminal, John Bender (they just call him Bender) doesn't come to school with a parent, he walks. When he gets inside the library (where the detention is held) he takes the phone off the hook and does a couple of other kooky things. He seems to take pride in being able to annoy people, especially Claire and Principal Vernon, the guy who basically represents the rest of Society to the five students. He pulled a false fire alarm to get into detention, and he earns another eight during this detention. But he's not really heartless, despite several arguments where he practically crucifies Claire (his crush. During the course of the movie, you find that his father is physically abusive (proven by the cigar burn on his arm) and he has just as many feelings as any other kid at school, though his are well-hidden.
The last student is the basket case, Allison. She didn't do anything to earn the detention, but lied to her parents because she actually had nothing better to do on a Saturday. When she gets out of the car in the beginning (the back seat, actually) she tries to talk to her mother, but her mother rolls up the window and drives off. Apparently, she is always ignored at home, and she reaches out to the unsuspecting students at detention, actually finding out most of their stories through careful insight before they admit anything (especially Andy.
So, what happened on Monday? This is a popular question for Breakfast Club fans. Do Andy and Allison stay together? What about Bender and Claire? When Brian walks up to one of them, will they shun him (as usual) or accept him? Will Andy apologize to Larry Lester for beating him up? Will all of the students resolve their problems with the parental units? And finally, will Principal Vernon find a way to actually reach out to students in need instead of always putting them down? The fact that the Breakfast Club is open-ended, and the way it makes the viewers' imaginations take off, is one of the many things that make it a perfect 10.

The breakfast club interviews. This you should have seen. If you die without knowing "The Breakfast Club" that is really sad. It is what makes the eigthies so special: the brat pack movie.
"The Breakfast Club" is the absolute king of that genre. No one brought the mind of a few teenagers so close to you than John Hughes did. You can watch five completely different teens - the weirdo, the nerd, the macho, the sporty and the cool but misunderstood girl - spending a Saturday at school, for detention. The principal is ten times as worse as Mr. Rooney from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" but let's ignore that and concentrate on the wiz kids.
Emilio Estevez has the role of his life playing the sporty one. Antony Michael Hall is great as the quiet brainiac and Molly Ringwald plays at her absolute best. Although she made a good appearance, I think Ally Sheedy did a better job in "WarGames. And Judd Nelson. well he's just tough. That's all.
So, people. They just don't make movies like this anymore...

The breakfast club lil dicky. The breakfast club radio. The breakfast club soundtrack. The breakfast club rvc. The breakfast club imdb. The breakfast club 5/4/20. The breakfast club allison. The breakfast club characters. The breakfast club logic sister. The breakfast club 5/5/20. The breakfast club actors. I like Emilo Estavez as Andrew Carson and Ali Shady as Alisons comment in their character it feels like their expressing towards each other like how they feel Andrew asks Alison a question if she drinks vodka and Alison
says tons. in way thats like saying do you smoke a cigarette. everyday or hey do you drink symbolic, the thing I like about this Movie, is when Andrew get's into Alison's business about her purse.
then she get's away with it, and he says to her so what is it your parents she goes (yeah) and he goes what did they do you she goes they ignore me. in someway a parent is not going to give crap about
their kid.
from Christa.

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Frozen II