Download Free Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Fantasy genres HDTVRIP Full Length
Runtime - 152 minute
writer - Steve Kloves, J.K. Rowling
country - USA
User Rating - 7,9 of 10 Stars
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I wonder what happens when the kids capture a piece. Ollivander looks creepier now than 10 years ago.
If you're not a kid and/or didn't read the book. run as far away from this drivel as you can. It is so contrived and boring and long and sad. I know it is hugely I fell asleep several times as the dialog went on and on in the most ridiculous directions! Just pure nothing this film.
Boring, Boring, Boring. although my kids loved really do love the book and this film - so I have to add that to this review. It just was definitely not my kind of film. The Lord of the Rings, though. that's another story! That's what you should go see if you like fantasy films and are older than 9.
I just noticed Snapes face when Hermonie said it's my fault 🤣🤣🤣. Why does he like grass more then Hermione. I remember as a kid even, I never understood why this school has a dungeon. Hari poter i kamen mudrosti online. I guess no one wrote it so im gonna write it if u play it slow enough at 4:03 you can see that it isnt Rupert Grint sitting on horse its his stunt double.
“I'm in love with that one, I'm telling ya” you meant. Plays the Scandinavian Defence just to check how violent the game would be. 10 points ONLY for taking down a full grown Mountain Troll? For Pete's sake... Mr Sakurai sending Crash Bandicoot's invitation (2019 colorized.
Friend: “Hey, Raven, what house are you? Me: “Ravenclaw.” Friend: “I feel like you would be a Hufflepuff.” Me: “No, I have taken almost every sorting quiz out there and it always says Ravenclaw!” Friend: “Have you taken the Pottermore quiz?” Me: “No... ” Friend: “You need to take the Pottermore quiz. Its the OFFICIAL Harry Potter sorting quiz.” Me: “Okay, fine, Ill take it. Then I can prove to you that Im a RAVENCLAW! ” takes test Test results: “Hufflepuff.”.
No one: Really no one: My mind at 3am: hI mY nAmE's Emma Wats0n playing cast Hermione and Im doing a tEEth tEst.
The last thing that would have happened in Harry Potter: Draco and Hermione playing slaps.
Hari poter i kamen mudrosti film.
I saw the film, and all I can say is that I was not disappointed when I came out of the theater. The actors did a superb job in capturing the personalities of the characters in the book. And the film itself was well done because it captured to mood of different parts of the story.
All in all I really enjoyed the experience and for those who condemn the film, why don't YOU try to create a movie from a best-selling book and we will see how hard it is and what the critics say.
Bravo to the cast and crew of this absolutely wonderful film.
When Ron falled in the book Hermione screamed.
I find it quite funny that despite the attempts of Vernon putting a stop to mailing letters of Harry's invitation to Hogwarts, the owls never gave up having managed to outsmart Vernon, what a stubborn bastard.
Oh no Hedwig my heart...
0:23 Shrek always was a ladies man.
Did Harrys hair turned into a mullet at the end 4:04.
First episode also known as ¨Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone¨ deal with Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)and friends fighting dark forces in an amazing adventure. In this early installment of JK Rowling saga, our protagonist is freed by Rubeus from the custody of his selfish uncle (Richard Griffiths) and miserable aunt (Fiona Lewis. Harry goes his destiny at Hogwart's school, there meets our friends Ron(Rupert Grint) Hermione(Emma Watson) and his enemies Braco Malfoy(Tom Felton) along the dark forces which threatens Hogwart, and finally Lord Voldemor. Besides the professors as Minerva(Maggie Smith) Severus Snape(Alan Rickman) Dumbledore ( Richard Harris) Madame Hooch (Zoe Wanamaker) Quirinus (Ian Hart)and of course Rubeus(Robbie Coltrane. Here some legendary events take place, including a Quiddich match, and Harry Potter competes in confronting in series of dangerous happenings, challenging monsters as unicorn, centaur and horrible creatures and an ending spooky climatic battle.
This episode contains loads of adventures and action and is such deeply riveting and emotional as its followings, furthermore gets lots of bombastic special effects and several images have you on the edge of your seat including an amazing array of technical bizarre creatures, a breathtaking ogre, a three-head animal, and Potter fighting creepy, scary monsters and an exciting final taking on between Harry and the Dark Lord and his henchmen. The picture displays stimulating action set pieces illuminating the full-blown adventures, blending wizardry, witchcraft, horror, humor and is extremely amusing and pretty enjoyable. Darkest even that subsequent chapters is thrilling, dramatic, touching and very exciting. Provide enough amusement to keep the chat rooms humming until the epic ending comes out. In spite of overlong runtime, it suffers from over-length, and the difficult of adapting, the film still managing to keep a quick enough pace for those unfamiliar with the literary and highly detailed work by J. K. Rowling. The motion picture is splendidly filmed with sensational production design and colorful cinematography by John Seale. Phenomenal and spectacular music by master John Williams. The movie is magnificently directed by Chris Colombus. The film is for Harry Potter saga lovers as well as neophyte who have never read J. K. Rowling novels. The follow-up titled ¨Harry Potter and the goblet of fire¨ verse pretty much the same at the first one.
Gramps : GIVE ME THAT. GIVE ME THAT LETTER. Me : fam chill theres hundreds of them in the living room. OMG MCGONAGALL GOT SCARED WHEN THE SORTING HAT WAS ON RON. Good that Harry's wand didnt tho it would break later on.
Omg Im crying when the letters are flying lmaooooo
This is the most random thing i find and yet entertain. Owls for days. This contradicts Hagrid not being allowed to use magic, and his wand being snapped in half. But he can produce magic from his umbrella? I thought Tom got him in trouble for the spider but it was really the bassalik snake in the chamber of secrets. Even though Hagrid didn't do it he still lost his wand and use of magic. And on top of that I thought they weren't allowed to use magic in front of muggles. Sure the Dursleys are aware of magic because of Lily but it's still a magical world law.