Ameba Ownd


korongami's Ownd

NBC Watch Free El hoyo

2020.05.17 22:03

Rating=107232 vote / Directors=Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia / 2019 / Stars=Ivan Massagué / / 94 Minutes




You've got a good heart... I don't think you'll survive long. Sums up existence in this world right now smh. Love Haley Bennett very much. Easily on the top five of my list of favorite actresses AND prettiest women ever. However, this trailer alone makes me mad uncomfortable. Still willing to watch tho, it seems interesting and it has Haley so of course I want to watch. I just hope I can go through the whole film.

الفيلم بطل والله شفتو اول مبارح وحبيتو جداً بنصحكن تشوفو❤️. La menstruación o la administración. Ooooomg - I could not, cannot, won't watch this - ahhhh! NEVER! lol. Buen vídeo Fernando sin duda una mirada distinta al análisis de la película. Yo me considero de izquierda y realmente cuando ví la película pensé algo similar. Además me gusto que también analisaste a los demás personajes. Isn't it strange that in the history of countries where communism is (or was) the political system, is not uncommon for people die of famine? Does anyone who liked this film knows Nicolas Maduro from Venezuela? The leader of a country where only leftist parties are allowed, the media is controlled by the government, the elections are pure fraud so the "king" can perpetuate himself in power. What's the current state? People have nothing to eat and they are so brainwashed that no one does anything for real to stop the guy. Oh, but wait, the US is the one to blame, capitalism is bad, and we need to make whatever it takes to make communism prevail... we have the girl and the panna cotta to prove it! We are the dream of a Soviet Union that this time will work, you will see!
Note: Free education, universal health system, and social programs for the poor do exist in capitalist countries (Canada, most of Europe, etc) so people have the opportunities to learn, be healthy, and eat.

When the mom asked her what she used to do, I thought she would flashback to a time where she swallowed baby batter or something lmao. Esta Película es muy buena en realidad es lo que está sucediendo en la nuestra sociedad Actual, para empezar Primero debemos entender que en el inicio de la película nos dicen que existen tres tipos de personas. Excelente. Me cae muy bien está explicación porque justo la veré mañana. If I was to be thrown into The Pit, then I'd choose my favourite food item as Pineapple pizza, then I'd be sure nobody would eat it. “ Tom where is my Minecraft gaming crombook?” Tom “ in the hole.”.

Talk about making the most out of nothing. Taut writing, expertly directed, top notch performances from an unknown cast, and a unique story. No, I'm not sleeping with the producers, this film is that good. Pienso que en esta película también están representados los 7 pecados capitales y la niña es la inocencia que se esconde en lo más profundo de nuestro ser. Mi interpretación es dejar salir la bondad que existe en nuestro interior; ese es el mensaje para cambiar al mundo. MINUTO 4:12, ESTA ES LA PARTE DONDE ME DAN MAS RISAS LA MAYORÍA DE LOS OPINA DORES ANALISTA DE LA PELÍCULA; CUANDO EMPIEZAN ANALIZAR LA PARTE POLÍTICA JEJEJE. Pero si también está inspirada en la divina comedia la niña podría significar el limbo dónde se permanecen las almas que no pecan ni están bautizadas.

Netflix: watch this no Netflix: watch this no Netflix:watch this maybe later Netflix: okay but watch this.


I am glad that the topic of Pica was raised in this film. I have been struggling with this disease for 12 years (I am 18) and I know from my own experience how difficult it is to cure this. Most people know this disease from My strange addiction and find Pica ridiculous, they laugh that sick people drink gas or eat sand, they don't pay attention to the psychological problems this people face and how difficult it is to live in a society full of hatred directed at abnormal people. This disease is often associated with other mental illnesses or can cause them(because of Pica I'm struggling also with depression and stalking paranoia. I personally try not to talk about my illness but I hope that after this movie some people will look differently, with understanding at people dealing with Pica ❤.

Esas mamadas no se dicen, se dan. Y quiero 2 para llevar. Muchísimas gracias por el video. If you're reading this you're beyond lucky. You weren't born on floor 333. You're in the first 20 floors. Even if some days it's hard to tell. You were born lucky. Theres plently to sink your teeth into this Spanish chilling thriller. Don't be put off that the movie is dubed it's done well enough to be watchable. The plot works on a simple enough premises, the main focus is on the characters we meet and the main problem they all have in common. We learn alot from each of the characters, in turn allowing us to learn more about the 'hole. This movie ask alot of question you don't nessiarly get the answers too and this is because I feel the director is asking alot of us, the audience. There is alot more to this than would seem. So much to think about, the ideas presented are deep. Yes it's set in the 'hole' but you can't help but see how this applies in a wider sense to society. This movie is not for everyone, while I would consider this as mainly being a thriller it has horrifically dark moments. I would concede thriller though because it does't have cheap jump scares nor monsters, the scary part is all human nature. We are what we eat.

Pregunta: ¿Qué vendría a ser un Título Homologado. Sabias palabras al fin alguien que supo entender la película jajaja no se porque hay tanta confusión a algo tan obvio. Those at the top.
