ketsunehaze's Ownd

∬Afdah The Lion King Download

2020.05.18 21:56

Writed by=Jonathan Roberts, Jeff Nathanson / Audience Score=187976 Votes / genres=Drama / Directed by=Jon Favreau / Summary=アフリカの広大なサバンナで、動物たちの王であるライオンのムファサの子として生まれたシンバは、いつか父のような偉大な王になることを夢見ながら成長していく。しかし、ある時、王位を狙う叔父スカーの策略によって父の命を奪われ、シンバ自身もサバンナを追われてしまう。やがてたどりついた緑豊かなジャングルで、イボイノシシのプンバァとミーアキャットのティモンといった新たな仲間との出会いを得たシンバは、過去を忘れて穏やかに時を過ごしていく。一方、スカーが支配するサバンナは次第に荒れ果て、存続の危機が迫っていた。 / Tomatometer=7,6 / 10

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I wish they they kept Zazus infamous joke “He would make a very handsome throw rug”. Daddies: Crying Son: don't cry dad. Remember who you are. Daddies: Cries harder. Wow I love how Jeremy Irons invented murder, what a legend. Mufasa a couple miles away: Why do I hear boss music. Im more of a realism kind of guy. So this one far surpased the first one in my opinion. L c3 b8venes konge download tool. Pingpinan: Jon Favreau.


L c3 b8venes konge download model. It doesnt even come close to the original 👌. Why does not that affect me at all?😳🙈. Absolute banger of a song 10/10.


1:24 hes like Aslan. This version sends chills down my back. The 2019. it ended right as I thought he would start singing. Way to disappoint. I watched The Lion King 2019 and 1994 back to back last night. I was gonna start with the original and then the remake, but I did it vice versa because I don't own a copy of the remake, and it's a three day loan from my library. I finished the original first thing this morning. Tonight I watched the behind the scenes of the remake, and it's incredible how Jon Favreau and the Disney team made this movie. And the actors' nostalgia of the original movie. I do like how in this version of the song, when it shows the passing of time and simba growing up 1:55. It doesn't show his grown up self straight away, but instead just shows a silhouette, and then he jumps through the bushes and we get the reveal of his adult self. Pretty cool way to reveal what he looks like as an adult as opposed to just transitioning to it like in the original. Still love the original though.

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L c3 b8venes konge download 2017. One of the G. movies O. A. T., best song from the film. However, the meaning behind this scene is being fervently put to the test. I look the movie was so sad but this part i liked was crazy🤣🤣😭😭😭. They even gave the two hyenas who were falling subtitles. L c3 b8venes konge download 2016. Brother lions would take turns doing everything even mating.

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