▕Curiosity Stream▕ 365 dni Full Movie
Genres Drama Movie Info Massimo is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura is a sales director. She does not expect that on a trip to Sicily trying to save her relationship, Massimo will kidnap her and give her 365 days to fall in love with him Release Date 2020
writers Blanka Lipinska Runtime 114 Minutes
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365 Days full movie.
Seriously I am not politically correct woke or outraged person.
But the idea that a scumbag mafia guy, is going to sexually assault his way into a woman's heart is just absurd. The sopranos was good, but Christopher Moltisante's "Cleaver" script within it was there to be mocked and it appears that that the makers of this film are so stupid as to not realize this.
Exactly what attributes does this mafia leader have? He has brutishness, but he has no cunning, no leadership skills, and is not credible as someone who would rise through the ranks in anything, including organized crime.
He is about as sexy as a toad.
The acting, dialogue, plot and cinematography are just amazingly bad and cringe-worthy. The makers of this spent more time shilling the review section here than they did writing this junk.
Super fryz ma Blanka. Pasuje jej.
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