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2020.05.20 14:08

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Another positively surprising film that I had no prior knowledge of. Yet I took the chance and let it play. "Sergio" gives an insight to the real life story of Sergio de Mello, a Brazilian diplomat who travels to Baghdad in 2003. On surface it's easy for movies like this to sideline the cinematic/emotional elements and get occupied to tell you all the information of the real life events. Although this is a case where the UN plot and the human plot nicely complimented each other - To the point where I got invested. While the opening didn't manage to engage me, it did get my interest. With some patience it eventually got my full attention. I loved how it was told non-linearly. Sergio looks back on his life as if he's recollecting his best times. All the while coping with a life threatening situation. The flashes back to the past are intentionally placed to be intrusive. In this case it clicked well with me. Because it places you in his perspective. Drifting from a flashing memory back to reality. The cinematography style is engaged with motivation in the flashbacks, while following a plainer "documentary" approach in present time. Which greatly strengthened the flashes of his life in the past. The ocean next to Rio de Janeiro is a strong recurring element. It represents his home, his freedom and his want to one day solely focus on the people he loves.
Wagner Moura and Ana De Armas pour their hearts into their respective roles. You can see that they live every moment of Sergio and Carolina's happiness. And that feeling of happiness and love transcended through the screen to me. In other words: I bought their depiction of the romance. I have to mention a scene where they both listen to a local woman in East Timor explaining her dreams. It's a beautiful poem that reminds us of how insignificant the material goals seem next to the purity of nature. Sergio is so taken by what he's heard that his response is to simply hug the woman and say "I understand. The whole movie wasn't able to keep this type of momentum up in every scene. Since you'll hit the conventional beats. It wasn't a perfect experience, but the splinters of the human spirit were still felt. Made me want to float on the water and feel the warmth of the Sunrays.

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