Project Free TV Jojo Rabbit Free
Country=Czech Republic, New Zealand
Scarlett Johansson
Taika Waititi
Who's hit-e-lah? Do you even speak German? Edit: I just realized despite two comments I said lamo instead of lmao. Wow. So refined. Me: Damn, this is interesting. Him. jojo. Me: YO. Kevin Kline eat your heart out! I love Taika. When the director misses the point of their own movie. “Yes put the pressure on a 12 years old” 😂😂😂😂. The next time you are offended by something somebody says. There has to be a first time before there can be a next time. We have to stop them before they eat us and screw our dogs. I had a good laugh here😂😂 and felt so good when he was alive at the end.
It's clear the director picked that child because they have the same hair 😂 He knows the struggle. Well, really short interview for an Oscar winner... Jus gonna say it, best movie opening ever! Lol. I'm so confused how this got recommended to heard of the movie and I don't recognize your channel. But I watched, so I'm leaving a comment to say well done, this can't have been an easy movie/topic to make a video essay on! I'm definitely driven to learn more about the director and script writer of JoJo.
If I don't get to see them in the same room as Simon Pegg and Nick Frost before I die my life will have been sorely wasted. I just wonder, when we talk about today's easily-offended culture to which culture we might be comparing it to? Which time and/or place was the idyllic historical apex of free speech? Because I've generally found that whichever period people think that is (their own childhoods usually) was just the one where the jokes weren't at their own expense. It's also emphatically false that the freedom that allows satirists to make films is the same one that allows Nazis to march in Charleston, and it's the failure to distinguish between the two that ACTUALLY makes the fight for a free society so damn difficult.
No one clapped when he just casually said, I'm moving to Australia to work on a new Thor with Chris Hemsworth. Must've been lost in translation xD. Bruh, I'm playing animal crossing while watching this video and I time travel my town. I check the date, it's 4/20 Hitler's birthday. Youtube is creepin on me. Oh i love his sense of humor. Congratulations on the academy. Audience: dead silent You can't even give this man an applause for that.