英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語

5月7日 「お惣菜〜Osouzai〜」

2020.05.07 13:38



🟧 🟠 「お惣菜〜Osouzai〜」 🟠 🟧

Today's theme is " Osouzai ". In other words it's side dishes. but that gives the impression of things on the side, and deli makes people think of sandwiches.

I see. There isn't an appropriate translation for Osouzai.


First, Nicolas from France and Mizehlle from the Philippines showed us a shopping street that they are familiar with.


Narration:They come in search of Osouzai that they love. They are 11 shops that sell a wide varoety of Osouzai on a street about 350m long.


Narration:Meat shops sell Cutlet and Roast Beaf. This is shop that Nicolas recommend.


Nicolas:Here's have everything you know like the radish.You have them so called the Japanese stew. And It will take me so much time.


Narration:NIcolas likes Japanese souzai. He likes how he can easily buy Osouzai that require a lot of effort to make, with processes such as making broth stewing things in it.


Mizehlle:What is this ? うぐいすだに…。(The label says "green soybeans".)

➡:これは何? うぐいすだに…。

Narration:Look like some kind of the beans but I'm not sure. Sometime, you know what action just to go for something I don't know, and I'm really disappointed.


Narration:Nicolas tried out many things.  Next is a shop that MIzelle recommend.


MIzelle:It's right over here, take a look at that! Look out the Yakitori. It's onry 56 yen!


Narration:Each Yakitori costs 56 yen.


MIzelle:This is what I like about Japanese deli, like you have so much selection over here, and then you can choose from many different things.Made in back, you can see that there're actually making there so it makes me feel safe.


Narration:Many Osouzai shops in Japan make their procucts in the back, so another appeal is that you can eat freshly made food.


MIzelle:OMG. So good ! I can't believe it's so cheep. This is so good!


Narration:They are totally satisfied by cheep and delicious Osouzai on this shopping street


🟧 🟠 デパ地下・高級総菜 🟠 🟧

~ Basement Floor of Department Store Expensive Souizai ~

Narration:These are expensive Osouzai on the basement floor of a department store.They have a deep-seated popularity among foreigners as well. This is a Belgian in Japan for tourism.


Belgian Tourists:I think I'll need to the way home.


Narration:What's good about Osozai on the basement floor of department stores is that you can eat food served at fancy restaurants, such as Italian and French, at home  


Thai Tourists:I think becouse we love to eats. So we just want to looking around walk to do, department store downstairs always have to good foods and good things to. right by me.


Narrator:Each shop puts their food on display in creative ways. Here each item is put on in a different dish so you can picture how the Osouzai will look when served on a table.


Narrator:Using high-quality ingredients and providing freshly made food are appeals of Osouzai on the basement floor of department stores.


🟧 🟠スーパー総菜 割引サービス🟠 🟧

Discounts on Osouzai at the supermarket

Narrator:Next, the two of them told us about service related to Osouzai that impressed them. At 7:00 p.m., the Osouzai area began to get crowded. Discounts.


Staff:We give discounts in order to sell everything so we don't waste food.


Narrator:Discounts stickers were placed on all Osouzai.


Nicolas:I can't say already what would happen in front of this? You don't have nobody for all day, and then everybody would come after seven or eight pm, to actualy get a discount sale.


Narrator:A crowd had formed 30 minutes before closing time. Half price stickers are placed on top of discount stickers. Many costomers come here on their way home from work.


Male Customer:I have leftover curry that I made yesterday at home, so althougt it's not cutlet curry, I'll have karaage and spring roll with it. I might not have bought them if the half price sticker wasn't on them.


Housewife Customer:For my husband's bento tommrow.


Interviewer:Do you often come at this time ?


Housewife Customer:Yes, I come at this time.


Male Customer2:I buy Osouzai not for just one meal but, for example, for tomorrow's bento, break fast, and dinner. It helps the family budget. 


Narrator:At closing time, almost all the Osouzai have been sold.


Narrator:What dou you think about cheep and delicious Japanese Osouzai ?


🔷🔹 基礎英語・即レス英会話・フレーズ備忘録 🔹🔷

gives the impression:~という印象を与える/言いなす


be familiar with:~慣れ親しむ/~に精通

Japanese stew:煮物

It will take me so much time:(私にとって)とても時間がかかります

⏩ ~will take〇時間で「~は〇時間かかります」という意味です。

・It will take 5 more minutes:あと5分かかります

・It will take a short hour:小一時間はかかります

・It will take a week at the longest:長くて1週間かかる

・It will take ten years at least:少なくとも10年はかかるだろう

・The cara ride to the station will take about 15 minutes:駅までは車で約15分です

・The Shinkansen to Kyoto will take just under an hour:新幹線で京都までは1時間弱です

 lot of effort to make: 手間暇かけて/手間がかかる


such as~:~ような/~などの




totally satisfied:完全に満足している ⇔ completely satisfied

Basement Floor:地下階

⏩ 地下の階はアメリカ、イギリス共通で first basement「地下1階」 second basement「地下2階」ですが、アメリカでは「basement floor(BF)」イギリスでは「underground floor」ともいいます。

アメリカ first floor「1階」second floor「2階」third floor「3階」

イギリス ground floor「1階」 first floor「2階」second floor「3階」

・third basement floor:地下3階

・second floor in the basement:地下2階

They have a deep-seated popularity among foreigners as well:彼らだけでなく、外国人の間でも根強い人気があります。

・deep-seated: 根強い


I think I'll need to the way home:帰り道で食べようかと思って

 I think I'll need to~で「私には必要になると思って」という事 the way homeは「帰り道」なので、を言っているので「私には(天ぷらが)帰り道で必要になると思う = 食べることになる」



provided that や providing that は仮定法で「という条件で」や「ある場合に限って」というニュアンスになり If よりも強い意味合いになります。ネイティブは「that」を抜いて使われることもあります。

・If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, let’s have a picnic:もし明日雨が降らなかったら、ピクニックしようね。

・Provided that it doesn’t rain tomorrow, let’s have a picnic:明日は雨が降らなかった場合だけ、ピクニックしようね。

・Provided it doesn’t rain tomorrow, let’s have a picnic:明日は雨が降らなかった場合だけ、ピクニックしようね。


impressed: ~に感動して/~に感銘をうけて



might not have~:~できないかもしれない

Do you often come at this time ?:この時間にくることが多いですか?

⏩ Do you oftenは「あなたはよく」at this timeは「 こういう時間」なので、「あなたはよくこの時間に来ますか?」となります。

 family budget:家計 ⇔ household budget