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▕Pantaflix▕ Interstellar Watch Full

2020.05.22 11:07

Genre - Adventure

Scores - 1406285 Votes


Actor - Matthew McConaughey

resume - A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival

tomatometer - 9,3 / 10

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I love listening to the soundtrack of interstellar, it brings me to another place. Interstellar Watch full article. Damn, this scene is so beautiful. Son: Dad, why is my sister named Sara. This is how I feel when I get something in maths.

The bit where he left his daughter broke my heart. I feel sorry for the people who didn't get the chance to see this movie in an Imax theater. 1:28:40 Ben roethlesburger I never noticed that. Interstellar Watch full article on foot. You think the family would be amazed to be in the presence of a great ancestor who is also the father of humanity's savior. Instead we get an uncomfortable shuffle. So wait a minute, let me clear something up, this 4/5 dimensional space-tesseract within the black hole is shown that gravity is possible to transcend through time itself, affecting the past in the form of an anomaly, correct? If he had done nothing, not a damn thing, no banging on the bookshelf wall, no pinching the dirt to form the NASA coordinates, he wouldn't be in that situation right there and then, because he never would of left for it in the first place. Granted I know the story would never be finished or progressed poorly, but he would of gotten what he wanted...

Interstellar Watch full article on maxi. You guys are looking at this all wrong. We are not meaningless. Our existence is not inconsequential. Our purpose was, is, and will always be, to explore, seek, understand. We will unite with our long lost friends who became the living matter of other planets. Reunited like family, with the twin you never knew existed. That is our purpose. This is our destiny as humans. We have been forged through millennia to arrive at this exact moment, and as the universe keeps ever expanding, we expand the human footprint on the universe. We are a biological miracle. We are the explorers of the stars. We are the living matter on a journey to find our way home. We are by definition - the star children.

So saving the world is only a matter of. love. Sounds like what Dumbledore would say to Potter. People misunderstood what love meant here. What Nolan wants to say with this love is quantifiable is that humans would do anything to save their species, they're capable of a great thing called love that pushes them to do anything. And of all loves, the love between a parent a child especially pushes them to do anything. Cooper placed the data in the watch in Morse. And Murphy knows Morse the moment she sees it. She knew it was her father. Interstellar Watch full. So glad i watched this masterpiece in the theatre.

This is Murphy Cooper we're talking about - such a great line. All the background you needed. Wife = what are you doing ? me = going through the backdoor. wife = it's not possible. me = it's necessary... The music in this scene makes it so powerful. I love how they modeled Cooper Station after the ship in Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, a book that should have been made into a movie years ago.

Interstellar watch full movie. I wish I could erase this movie from my head AND watch it ALL OVER again. SUCH an AMAZING and POWERFUL movie. I found that this ending kind of ruined this movie. 1. They would be much more respectful towards him because he saved the human race 2. How would Madge even know about the girl left on the planet by herself? To all she knew she could have been dead. 3. No mention of the son. Even if he was dead (which is very likely) I'm sure that Cooper would have liked to know what happened to him. It feels almost rushed.

This is, hands down, one of the most powerful scenes in filmmaking history. The way they cut the music as the son turned off the camera was brilliant. made us feel the emptiness that mcconaughey's character suddenly felt. People who didnt watched the movie missed so much. Awesome, brilliant, touching, etc. Will never have enough words for this movie. Watch interstellar full online. There are several versions of bladerunner available to the public. The first uncut version with the good ending and harrison ford voice over is the hardest to get. I've only been able to find it on video cassette. My dad and I watched this movie when I was young and after he and my mom got divorced, I'd watch this to think of him, and use it to reflect on life in the big city, fast cars, fast women, long distance illicit love affairs and relationships with booze, boobs, buds, bikini booties, and beautiful Hawaiian sunsets I'll never see again. Great film and even greater memories.

Some say this part ruins a great sacrifice on Coop's part since he doesn't die or his fate is ambiguous. I disagree, Coop missed a HUGE portion of his children's lives and only got to say goodbye to one of his children(yeah, he didn't ask about Tom but it's a given he's been dead if Murph, who's younger, is dying. If Nolan had Coop's fate unknown or had Coop die I'm sure critics would still criticize that.


Interstellar watch full episodes. Interstellar Watch full review. Interstellar watch full movie online free. I got a saying for whenever I decide the newest Hollywood space and science movie is crap. “Interstellar did it better”. Interstellar watch full movie online. Doctor: You got an hour to live... God: Puts me into Miller's Planet. Also God: No, you don't. I've probably commented before but Hans Zimmer is just so fucking absolutely incredible in this film. Interstellar watch full movie free.


Im listening this amazing soundtrack and trying to understand. I dont understand many things but especially life. Some people live and they dont think about sense of their existence. They just live. In very simple, casual way they dont overthink about things we cant do anything with. What is the sense of life? Why people born, educate for years, learn how to live, fall in love, have family and everything what they have, they worked for it and deserve it. Why after all that, we die? Does it mean we are useless? Why we will loose everything we tried to get so hard. If life is so short why are we wasting our time? In school, in work, sleeping. What is our life? Its just like blink in the eternity of universe. Its one second long comparing to never ending space. If youre reading this, im truly glad. Our life is short and in your last moment of living i wish you to have, i had amazing life” to be your ending thought. We have good and bad times in life, but the point is never give up. You wont get second life, when you loose your first. It cant be bad all the time, it will get better. Appreciate your life.

Interstellar movie watch full movie. What I learned from the movie. Everything is possible. Take responsibility. Consider the consequences. There is no right or wrong.

Interstellar Watch full article on top

Whenever I hear this song, my breathing gets deeper and my heart beats heavier. Its a weird feeling haha. I love this song though. Cooper what are you doing? Docking. 😨. Oh, my (future)self, why didn't you tell me to STAY, when I was leaving for the cinema tonight! Or maybe you tried to, but I was deaf and blind. I promise I will start listening to you, instead of all this people, that create the impression that this movie is a 'must see' Shame on you, people! Totally IMAGINATIONLESS! I can't believe that almost 50 years after "2001: A space odyssey" you could be impressed by this? Now I actually realize how far ahead of his time Kubrik was, and he still is. Or maybe his "future self" from the fifth dimension helped him with the movie, to ensure his place as the best sci-fi director until technology is so developed to bring him back to life so he could OWN ETERNITY! Until then we shall watch badly recycled sci-fi concepts and walking ATMs. I'd rather start creating a 3D reality, than watching another sci-fi movie. Yes, that's what this movie was good at - construction of 3D space looks a lot more easier than interstellar flying. Seriously, people, if we ever have to leave Earth with such technology we are definitely lost! Shame on you, Mr. Nolan! Oh, well. I'll give you +1 for Matthew McConaughey, but that's all...

Interstellar watch full movie with subtitle. This is the moment that one man saved his entire species.