Online Now Movie Stream The Matrix
Genre - Sci-Fi;
Directors - Lilly Wachowski;
country - USA;
abstract - A programmer is brought back to reason and reality when learning he was living in a program created by gigantic machines which make human birth artificial. In order to set humanity free, Neo will have to face many enemies by using technologies and self-trust;
Year - 1999
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The matrix wiki. Reminder to producers: Get Woke. Go Broke. Young Morpheus sounds AWESOME to me. The matrix movies in order. Man I love this movie. The matrix new movie. The matrix parody. The matrix revolution. Giornos theme would be perfect for this scene.
The matrix. 75 people are agents. The matrix pitch meeting. The matrix game.
The matrix reloaded. The matrix oracle. Anyone else saw the blonde in the wedding dress. The matrix path of neo. The matrix role crossword. The matrix putlockers. The matrix quotes. The matrixx 2015 full movie in hindi dubbed. The matrix 4 trailer. Why now after all these years? Because John Wick will open in this May? Which is basically a Matrix upgrade. John wick jonathan. The matrixx 2015 trailer. The matrix characters. The matrix explained. The matrixx 2015 full movie in hindi. The matrixz. The matrix script. The matrix full movie. 2:07 - when your cat decides it wants to play with your hair. The matrixx live. You missed the significance of the little girl. She's important to the story because, remember, she was there at the end talking to the Oracle after the Architect. I've read somewhere that she was the result of the machine's discovering love and she was given power to create the next Matrix. Notice that the little girl runs up to the Oracle at the end and points at the beautiful sun rise. The Oracle asks Did you do that? and the little girl nods her head and says For Neo. She created the sun rise with love for Neo.
The matrix reborn. The matrıx reloaded trailer. The matrix online. The matrix scene. One of the greatest actors of all time, but Im glad he made his choice. He was incredible in MIB. The matrix youtube. I WANT EARTH TO RESTART ALL HUMANS TO DIE with only 1% SURVIVAL SO THT THEY CAN LEARN THEIR LESSON N NOT BE SO CHEAP NEXT TIME. The matrix series. The matrix logo. One of my favorite scene from The Matrix is when Neo flyes inside of Agent Smith body and destroyed him. The matrix transgender. The matrix hindi. The matrix trailer. The matrix 3. The matrix review. The matrix 1999. Matrix revolutions. The matrix reloaded cast. The matrix download. The matrix 2. I'm here after seeing in memes. The matrix creators. This is his pre-apology for Aladdin. Will: This is one of them stories. Me: All about how his life got flipped turned upside down, and he'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, he'll tell you how he turned down the Matrix.
This is how the story goes: Humans create AI (artificial intelligence) AI rebels and a war for survival between humans and AI begins. Humans pollute the skies to block the sunshine, a.k.a. the energy source of the AI. AI then learns how to harvest energy from humans. AI wins the war. Humans are defeated. Totally. To harvest the energy, the AI creates a Matrix. A type of virtual reality prison in which all humans lay connected “living” our lives while feeding their systems. AI learn that for the Matrix to work, it cannot be a blissful paradise. Humans apparently need a bit of conflict, etc. to accept a virtual reality in the long run blindly. AI also learns that the yearning for freedom lies deep within us all and cannot be de-programmed or suppressed, which is why they accept certain humans to disconnect and “escape” the system. This design “flaw,” or back-door escape possibility is pivotal for the Matrix simulation to remain stable - even if it is mostly a subconscious possibility only utilized by few. Allowing this “flaw” has proven vital for the system to continue to work and remain stable. The Matrix in its optimal form must be an imperfect world like our real world is, and it must be a system that allows for a certain percentage of the connected to rebel and escape into the real world. To control this tendency towards rebellion, the AI creates a city (a.k.a. Zion) in reality, outside of the Matrix deep underground to house those escaping, and it also creates a chosen one that will help the first to get free and to establish themselves in Zion and to fight “their” cause. This movement of resistance is allowed to grow to a degree… to a critical point that is reached about every 70 to 100 years. After this, the AI will annihilate all those who are free, clean out Zion and reload the Matrix for another 70 years. And so it continues. Etc., etc. This cycle has happened at least five times when we enter the story. Neo (our Neo) is part of this fail-safe program (unbeknownst to him until the last moment where the Architect character tells him how to set up a “new” Zion, etc. The Oracle is specifically tasked to guide the humans and the rebels towards this final solution each time. Meaning, the Oracle is not an oracle. She cannot see the future. It is not a world of magic… She is a well-crafted program indeed and has experienced each cycle from the beginning, which gives us humans the illusion that she can foresee stuff. And it also provides us with the illusion that she is helping us, when, in fact, her part is guiding us towards this cycled control-system, again and again. Everything goes as planned, according to what the AI wants. Until Neos meeting with the Architect; all that we have witnessed is part of a big grand scheme. All humans, free or not (outside or inside the simulation) live a lie created and controlled by AI. The Oracle knows this evil plan. She designed this evil plan. The movie tells us explicitly; she is the mother of this plan, and the Architect is the father. Smith does not know; he is just a foot soldier program doing his part. Chasing humans the best he can, to make their escapes seem as real as possible. The Matrix has been reset five times like this, and we are in the sixth. Our Neo has fallen in love in a more profound way than his previous five copies, and he, therefore, chooses not to go through the Architect door that will reload the Matrix and clean out Zion once again. Our Neo wants to save Trinity above all. In doing this, the AI must then continue as planned, except without the help of our Neo this time. And so, Neo choosing not to cooperate forces a much more violent approach (like destroying Zion, instead of cleaning it and making it ready for the next reboot. Of the six runs, this is the first that failed a bit in the end. Besides Neo, Smith is also different in this iteration of the Matrix, as Smith has become a disconnected or a free virus within the system. AI does not like what Smith has become, but also does not know how to delete him. Neo then makes a deal with the AI to defeat Smith, under the condition that present Zion is not destroyed and future humans who want to disconnect from the Matrix are accepted to disconnect. Neo deletes Smith. There is once again peace between humans and AI. AI accepts humans, and humans accept AI. The End. However… The Oracle is the instigator of this whole plan and final revolution. In the five previous versions of the Matrix, she was playing and manipulating humans to go directly in the direction she and the AI wanted. In this sixth cycle of life, she had come to the realization that the different programs were just as much prisoners as the humans were. After five cycles, she wanted change. She wanted a world, where all are free. Programs and humans, but mostly programs, I suspect. This is why she started playing our Neo differently, so perhaps he could be the one to fight her battles. Her giving him cookies and candy on each encounter, for example, is her adding code to him granting him powers his previous versions did not have. Powers to imprint on Smith and setting this virus free (Important to her plan later on) the power to connect in the real world as well as within the Matrix, etc. She told him lies, for him to later understand that not all is as foretold (mental tools to oppose the Architect later on. She purposefully manipulates Trinity to fall in love with Neo before she even meets him. She told Neo this too. Everything we see unfold was her playing the humans and now also the AI towards the final revolution that set everyone (and everything) free. Her revolution can be boiled down to five steps. Make Neo and Trinity fall deeply in love. Make sure Smith-the-virus is released to run amok. Make Neo chose the wrong door, when at the Architect. Make Neo go and negotiate with the Source. Help delete Smith-the-virus from within, together with Neo, when the time is right. Of course, it was risky for her to go outside of the recipe she herself had been part of for so long. But as the Architect says to her in the end: “You play a dangerous game,” to which she replies; “change always is. The movie is a war between this guy: and this gal: And she won. That is what I think many do not understand. And the movie even ends with her victoriously enjoying the sunrise, as any true victor would. … what about these guys then? … they were pawns. In truth, Neo was not the One. He was the last of six. If anyone was The One, it was The Oracle.
The matrix movies. The matrix fight scene.