SockShare The Lion King Movie
Cast: Donald Glover.
writed by: Irene Mecchi.
Duration: 118Minute.
Synopsis: アフリカの広大なサバンナで、動物たちの王であるライオンのムファサの子として生まれたシンバは、いつか父のような偉大な王になることを夢見ながら成長していく。しかし、ある時、王位を狙う叔父スカーの策略によって父の命を奪われ、シンバ自身もサバンナを追われてしまう。やがてたどりついた緑豊かなジャングルで、イボイノシシのプンバァとミーアキャットのティモンといった新たな仲間との出会いを得たシンバは、過去を忘れて穏やかに時を過ごしていく。一方、スカーが支配するサバンナは次第に荒れ果て、存続の危機が迫っていた。
Does anyone else feel bad for the hyenas? Not only are they starving, with most of the food being hogged by the lions that shun them, but the only lion that gives them the time of day is abusive and manipulative. Im still waiting for Ratatouille live action. Felt like Jon didn't even try to put a twist or refresh a classic into something original like he did the "Jungle Book. Not sure why he chose to do it just like the animation but it was boring as hell. Beyonce really made it worst. You can tell she refuses to harmonize but that's no surprise. I was really hyped for this but it's the exact same, just live version. I hope that it isn't because the film is depicted by most of a black cast the reason why Jon didn't even try. Because that would suck.
What Mufasa thinks Scar is doing: hunting Scar.
For me as a big fan of the original 1994 The Lion king as my family and i watch it alot back in the days and is probably my favorite Disney animated movies of all times!
So me and my family went to the cinema and when the circle of life started to play, me and my family went really exited also in many other scenes cause you knew what was coming for the most part.
For the most part i mean that people say that this is a shot to shot remake of the original and that is incorrect. The thing is that they are some shot that has been remade just to fit in good in this live action movie, like for example the one where the animals is like standing above eachother and so.
Also they putted out some new scenes that made some more charisma to some character, like Timon and Pumpa.
In the cinema Everyone was laughing laud and was quite in exictment scenes or more seriouse and of course the one scene we all knew was coming. yep get my tissues already.
But i recomend it for nostalgia and to see a more light up and is a change for a whole new genaration to see this as they may have not seen the original.
Is like the circle of life the new genaration.
When u realized that this is Scar version of saying I just can't wait to be king.
Mowgli live-action CGI had more expression on their animals! They could've done the same! This one is so emotionless, so empty! bad remake.
And it hurt😭😭😭 the shame.
YOU WONT GET A SNIFF WITHOUT ME 2019: ima pretend i didint hear that.
How to review this movie like is something fresh and new? Let me give a try!
Visually is astonish I'ts a great and epic but something is missing and its hard to tell what it is! Looks like a BBC nature documentary with talking animals and don't work really well as I wish would, the lions has no expressions and just move the mouth and that is it!
Just a forgettable movie! I will not compare with the animation cause if I would do this version would be just a bleh movie.
I'm more intimidated and scared by this version/song than the 2019 one 😂😂 sad...
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Guys whos heart have been broken by girls need to listen this song. Like me. 2:01 is the best. As much as I love this version of the Lion king I wish they could have added a flashback of the moment Scar and Mufasa fought for Sarabi and the thrown. I miss this, the new one did not give me this satisfactory. I remember the first time I watched this I thought he was going to drop Simba from the cliff I was a disturbed child.
“While others search for what they can take, a true king searches for what he can give.” Definition of great leaders. 3:28 child this is all the animals you can eat when you grow up. Im sorry but i had to😂😂😂.[to%20tv]