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Couchtuner Watch Full Length The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

2020.05.24 23:14

Actors: Elijah Wood; ; genres: Adventure; The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a movie starring Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and Orlando Bloom. A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save; Creator: Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson; Rating: 1591793 Vote

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Its the DEA agent from narcos. See this thing dance make me so weird 1:12:02 but i like his voice. This is mainly for Gandalf when he visits Bilbo and Freddo. 3:40 youre welcome.


I just finished watching the extended version of the film. I had watched the theater release last winter. And I am in agreement with those who rate this film so high.
But I also see that most of the negative reaction comes from those who have never read Tolkien. I had read the Hobbitt before seeing the film, and it gave me an appreciation for what Jackson tried to do with this movie. I have since read the novel Lord of the rings. The movie stays true to what Tolkien wanted to portray. For those who haven't read any of Tolkien's novels, the dialogue and description shown in the film could easily be lost. But for those who have read, they can understand what is being said, and know that it is vital to the whole story. Remember, this movie is only part one. A lot of what is in this film, will reflect in what will be shown in the following two movies.
As for length, I marvel at those who think they can shorten this film any more then was already done. The theater release was 3 hrs long. The extended version got something like an extra 30 mins added. Still Jackson has left a great deal of the book out. The whole 2-3 chapters of the book concerning the Old Forest and Bombadil is never mentioned. Nor the encounter with the farmer at Brandybuck. These alone would have been an extra 30 mins minimum to show.
After all this babble what am I saying. LOTR-Fellowship of the rings ranks as one of the best movies I have ever seen. Its right up there with other of my favorites such as The Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Star Wars, Gladiator, and so on. But I have read the books. Maybe this is a pre-requisite to watching and being assured you will like it. 10 of 10.

This clip always gives me peace

How long have you fallen asleep during Pán prsteňov: Spoločenstvo Prsteňa Movie. I like this movie, but I like the book better. I'm just now half way reading it for the 6th time over the last 40 years or so. Watching these scenes on youtube, I have to say they definitely rewrote the dialogue for higher movie going drama. Best movie in the world. Gimli: in FOTR) Never trust an elf! Also Gimli (in ROTK) some time later) Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf Legolas: How about side by side with a friend? Gimli: Aye, I could do that If that's not character development I don't know what is.

When is release. As a huge fan of the Predator series the one thing that I would ask when it comes to the people that produce anything and everything predator give us a movie where we see the planet where the Predators come from and a little bit more in-depth of what the Predator is - humans and Xenomorphs and anything else I want to know all about the Predators. How come gandalf went a little nuts with the whole black speech thing, anyone? Was he just making a point or was there a purpose. Real craftsmanship right there ladies and gentlemen, I love these movies. I want a grandpa like Gandalf. Sam: I know. 20:26 that slap tho xD.


