Ameba Ownd


zokujinatsu's Ownd


2020.05.25 01:33

directors: Jon Favreau

Actors: Beyoncé

Creator: Jonathan Roberts, Jeff Nathanson

7,7 of 10

1H 58minutes

Reviews: アフリカの広大なサバンナで、動物たちの王であるライオンのムファサの子として生まれたシンバは、いつか父のような偉大な王になることを夢見ながら成長していく。しかし、ある時、王位を狙う叔父スカーの策略によって父の命を奪われ、シンバ自身もサバンナを追われてしまう。やがてたどりついた緑豊かなジャングルで、イボイノシシのプンバァとミーアキャットのティモンといった新たな仲間との出会いを得たシンバは、過去を忘れて穏やかに時を過ごしていく。一方、スカーが支配するサバンナは次第に荒れ果て、存続の危機が迫っていた。

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Disney really messed up with this one.
I just didnt enjoy these CGI robots re inacting one of my all time faves.
The animal faces and voice acting barely show emotion.
I know it's the same story, but it's still a very poor re make. The lion king mufasa.


The lion king 2019 stampede. The Lion king 2019. I don't have enough fingers to count how many times I got chills watching this. The lion king 2019 cast. The lion king music. The Lion king james. The lion king download filmywap.


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1:24 Reference to Aslans resurrection in The Lion, The witch and The Wardrobe

The lion king 2019 trailer. The lion king 2019. The lion king fight scene. Absolute banger of a song 10/10. The Lion kingdom. The lion king final battle. The lion king songs. I didn't expect much going in. I heard the complaints and honestly found them lacking.
Lion King is a visual masterpiece. So much so, that the movie appears like they used actual animals to fulfil the roles of characters.
My friend. There was no camera. Only CGI. Beautiful CGI. The movements. The Structure of animals. It looks like National Geographic meets Lion King.
The cast was well done. Pumba did exceptionally well and had chemistry with Timon.
The only cast member who was in the original and replayed his role is the GOAT James Earl Jones JR.
Beyonce was the weakest link. Not bad. But okay. 2 lines in particular should have been re-done. (Her singing was on point. no surprise there)
The hyenas were hilarious.
Hans Zimmer did the music.
My only complaint is that I wanted more from Rafiki

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Hi I am in love with lion King. It is a huge impact on me and forever to. The animated will always be better but I can tell this is probably going to be really good. The lion king full movie in english. Can you feel the love the love tonight wait it's seven in the morning. The lion king london. The lion king showtimes. The lion king 3.

I saw this and I was crying when Mufasa died

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