✭Movie4k✭ Movie Watch Black Panther
genres Action
Actor Chadwick Boseman
Country USA
When King T'Challa returns to his home nation of the secluded but technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda, he is put to the test as both king of his country and Black Panther when he is drawn into a conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the world at risk. To defeat his enemies and protect his countries, the king must rally his allies and unleash the power of Black Panther
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Show me my respect🔥. 2:11 I HAVE BEEN FALLING FOR 30 MINUTES.
I was in the theater like shit got real when he got to talking about the artifacts
In Virginia lol. I LOVE it when Shuri raises her hand and says, This corset is really un-comfor-ta-ble, so could we all just wrap it up and go home. Ay, mama. Does anyone what song it was on the first scene. This fight scene was a lot better and a lot more intense than the cheap plastic CGI fuelled end fight between Killmonger and T'Challa. “This corset is really uncomfortable so can we all just wrap it up and go home” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Barely occurred to me that while they are trying to prevent the vibranium from falling in to the wrong hands, there constantly leaving the same vibranium around the streets of Korea ( vibranium car parts 1:23 - 2:57 and Spears) 🤷🏻♂️ worth more then that museum.
I'm not even going to get into how this movie is really over-hyped. I finally watched this when all the popularity surrounding it had died down, so I'll just give my perspective on the substance.
The movie definitely had some of the best visuals and set pieces in almost any other Marvel movie, but the idea of Wakanda and the comics to begin with just gives a huge range of options and boundless area for creativity with this superhero and atmosphere. A secret civilization far more technologically advanced than any other first world country, basically the equivalent if Tony Stark owned his own small country. Warring tribes and factions of groups all vying for the thrown based on a unique political climate. Yet even with all these amazing ideas and the great filmography that made every shot look stunning, I couldn't help but feel it all came up short.
For instance, even the actors involved were an all-star lineup, but it seems like most of the characters they portrayed had bland dialogue and one dimensional personalities that had little depth to them. A major exception to this, however, was Killmonger who was a very good villain even though his "master plan" at the end was a little weird and vague. Andy Serkis was also entertaining beyond no ends as Klawe which is not surprising for him.
The plot was almost comically predictable as well where you could guess what was going to happen a mile away as if we had all already seen this exact same plot before, and some of the characters actions did not seen genuine and seemed to just happen to move the formulaic plot forwards where we all already knew it was headed. The fact that T'Challa just happened to appear with the mountain tribe is some coincidence. Martin Freeman's character also seemed ridiculously unnecessary and the idea of a CIA operative being a selfless hero is just absurd in my personal opinion, but hey, maybe the CIA are different in the Marvel Universe compared to real life.
Overall, it had more ups than downs and the visually appealing shots and filmography was enough alone to keep anyone entertained watching this movie. Now that it's on Netflix, there's absolutely no reason not to watch this and it gives a good precursor to how the Marvel phase 3 tech suits and weapons will look (Iron Man's nanotech suits.
Final score: 6.7/10 rounded to 7.
Pantera negra full movie.
Showed this to my cat it became a panther
Lol I have the exact same chain as the guy who showed his lip tattoo m I Wakandian. Whos here after heartless. Love how supportive of one another the two pairs are in these action sequences. True family and friends. Eion dang a face ban on face mask in Hong Kong wow. 1:57 We don't do that here. This is Wakanda! Don't let us catch you slippin' up! I previously did a review for this movie but it somehow didn't show, so this will be a simplistic yet simple review. This movie was a very well done project. The cinematography and colors are what captured my attention. The acting is good of course, how could it not be with an All-star cast of great actors. Chadwick Boseman, Angela Bassett, Michael B. Jordan, and Forest Whitaker are in this movie! The lesser known actors are amazing as well. The music is good, the villain is one of the best, and the story is a nee take on Black Panther's origin. Ryan Coogler is turning into a true visionary, and Chadwick Boseman has played so many iconic Black characters! Good job to all of the cast and crew for a stellar performance! It is quite a journey.
Am i the only one who noticed the Getaway car was a Lexus GSF. And the Oscars goes to black panther. I just watch this vid because of the music 🎵:p. When Shuri raised her hand I laughed hysterically and thought: So, you wanna be queen eh. All them diamonds tho. When this life is all I know. Mufasa as Tchaka Simba as Tchalla Nala as nakia Scar as erik killmonger Sarabi as ramonda. 2:08 The drop when the logo appears 😍.