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≈History≈ The Godfather Movie Watch

2020.05.26 00:45

Runtime=2 h 55 Minute
Cast=Diane Keaton
Francis Ford Coppola
brief=The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding with his wife Carmela. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family






Who does he kill at 24:00. The Godfather Movie watchers. What a lucky cat got a chance to sit on marlon's lap. Watch trailers for the movie The Godfather online you can for free in good quality. The Godfather Movie. If I had a choice for a last meal, it would be veal marsala too. The "Mini Blu-ray Disc" also, Mini-BD" and "Mini Blu-ray" is a compact 8-centimetre-diameter ( 3 in) variant of the Blu-ray Disc that can store 7.8 GB of data in its single layer configuration, or 15.6 GB on a dual layer disc. That's how mafia works...

The Godfather Movie watch dogs

I believe in America. America has made my fortune. And I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I gave her freedom but I taught her never to dishonor her family. She found a boyfriend, not an Italian. She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late. I didn't protest. Two months ago he took her for a drive, with another boy friend. They made her drink whiskey and then they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted. She kept her honor. So they beat her, like an animal. When I went to the hospital her nose was broken. Her jaw was shattered, held together by wire. She couldn't even weep because of the pain. But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life. A beautiful girl. Now she will never be beautiful again.

The godfather movie where to watch. Lets go to watch the latest movies of your favorite movies. 6:18 Hey sil comeere (gets up angerily from table, walks away) Talk to u later richie. Do you renounce Satan? I do. While the murders are taking place. Beautiful scene and probably the best movie scene of all time. The godfather movie watch online. The Godfather Movie watching. The Godfather Movie watch.

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This movie is pure of violence, massacres, deaths, killings which I hoped that there is nothing like this anymore in our generation. I somehow like the movie for its showing the reality that we're in. Nevertheless, this is something thats not be shown to our children. Badda Bing. The dude abides man :p. Watch the movie godfather free online. Sony: what you gonna do? nice colleges boy, huh? Michael : yes. The Godfather movie watch. 3:54 what sort of weapon could kill him but not destroy the lense completely. The Godfather Movie watch now.

Using evil against the Devil! Thats how Michael Corleone renounces the Satan

I wish they had sub-titles when they started speaking Italian. The Godfather Movie watch video. The godfather movie watch hd. Watch the movie godfather 2 free online. The Godfather Movie watch tv. The godfather movie watch faces. The godfather movie watch. Is it just me or is Sonny HAWWWT. Watch the movie godfather for free. The Godfather. So much praise has been showered upon it, forming a large mountain of critical excellence. It is almost difficult to quantify how many levels this movie succeeds on. I hesitate to even call this a "movie" because it is from the time when a movie was an artform. Sadly, these movies are now a dying breed. The Godfather is THE PINNACLE of excellence on the big screen.
You all know that it is a story of the Corleone Family, a large Sicilian Mafia syndicate living in New York and led by Vito Corleone, who is played perfectly by Marlon Brando (I will talk about this a bit later) a powerful Don who demands respect and friendship and offers favors in return. No movie has come close to this one in giving a portrait to organized crime. Not in terms of pure realism or insight, understand. Goodfellas, a great movie in its own right, is a much more realistic story of the way gangsters operate. The Godfather is a glorified Sicilian Mafia tale spun by Mario Puzo and later translated to film by Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, showing the near fall from power of the family.
The Godfather portrays so many different moral questions and considerations: how can power corrupt a man, how things look from different perspectives, is a man allowed to live outside of society, can a man reject society without punishment and live by his own laws, should someone be true to their family or to society, and much more. The result is a picture of astonishing efficacy and believability.
To be fair, a healthy portion of this movie's outward success is due to its acting. Never before and never again has there been such a powerful joint acting performance. It's almost insane to think about how amazing it was, how amazing and influential this entire movie is. Most great movies have one memorable acting performance, two if they are lucky. Four actors- Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, and Robert Duvall- are best known for their work in the Godfather, the latter three using this title as a springboard to fame. All four acting performances, playing Vito, Michael, and Sonny Corleone plus the Consigliere Tom Hagen, are among the best ever. Along with this, Vito Corleone is probably the most prominent figure in the public's mind when it comes to movies. His raspy voice has become the stuff of legends, and has been imitated by almost everyone at one point or another.
Here I will explain why classic movies in general are far superior to today's critical masterpieces. Many people find the Godfather too slow for their tastes. While opinions are different and I do not get mad at people who find other great movies to be superior to the Godfather, people who ridicule this film to be outwardly slow quite frankly do not have long enough attention spans. This is an epic. we are talking slow corruption for maximum effect. Slow unfolding to make it seem more real, not sudden jerks of the plot but carefully constructed twists that are slowly built up and make perfect sense upon further thought. Not to mention that the cinematography is absolutely chilling. Watch the baptism scene and you will know what I mean.
This motion picture also features what is considered by many as the single most powerful scene in movie history- I won't spoil anything, but you will know it when you see it. Not to mention the wonderful soundtrack, an instantly memorable score that does a lot to help the film.
But by saying that I betray the true beauty of this film. The most prominent reason for this movie's place at the top of the all-time greats is that most movies have a few scenes that stand out when you remember them. Everybody immediately knows what they are afterward. Empire Strikes Back has the final battle with Vader. Rocky has the run up the steps. All of these are obvious. But, while perhaps the scene mentioned above is a bit more prominent, every single scene is done with such consistency and perfection. Coppola is simply a genius, or at least was in the 1970s. There are absolutely no hitches in the screenplay. Every scene is equally intense. But the paradox of this is that not only will you be hanging on to every word and totally absorbed into the story your first time, The Godfather gets better every time you watch it! The first time I saw this, I had not been as exposed to the greatest movies ever. I didn't truly understand all the moral depths of this story, but I still thought it amazing simply for the intensity of the scenes, plot, and the wonderful balance between the characters. However, after watching it dozens of times afterward I now understand all of the tiny stuff in the plot that make it what it truly is. All of the quotes and tiny little things about it are simply fantastic. Once again, in this space I cannot explain all of the greatness. I have not even gotten into the plot. To close, every single thing about this movie just absolutely screams quality. It's hard to find any significant weaknesses with this film, except that unlike the book it does not show the perspective from an outsider's point of view, such as the novel did with Kay Adams. But that is simply a tiny nitpick that we would not mention about any other movie. The effort put into everything else is what makes this visible. Everything else- perfection. If you have not seen The Godfather, DO SO NOW! It will stimulate your mind and emotions like no other movie ever filmed before. This is simply the quintessential film experience. 9.8.
"I never listened to the big shots holding all the strings. But I hoped that someday you would be the one holding on the strings...