⁽Movie4k⁾ Free Stream Snowpiercer

2020.05.26 03:08

writed by=Benjamin Legrand. countries=Czech Republic. genres=Sci-Fi. Score=281712 votes. Director=Bong Joon Ho.

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Maybe the true plot of the movie is how the polar bear got his meal that day. This trailer would've been way better if they cut out all the part about the girl being recruited and trained, just presented as 4 guys that work as a serial killer pack, but something goes wrong with this one girl. That's it. They shouldnt even show why something goes wrong. Just hint that it does. That gives you enough to know what's it's about, but leaves room to the imagination, thus making you more interested.

What a beautiful review 👌🏻😍. Several generations? The train was 18 years old. The soundtrack in 1:53 - 1:56 Game of thrones anyone. 1:58 - Vampires can't be seen in mirrors. I watched this movie after seeing the trailer and I still enjoyed it, even though everything about this movie was already shown in this 😂. Why have I never heard of this. The whole premise is nonsense.

This is my third and final attempt, and I'm sorry, but I couldn't focus on anything, that was said about the film, due to the floaty keyboard Muzak, draining my brains and soul straight from within me. I watched it. the concept was amazing, the movie was weird it was worth it tho to see chanel #5 fighting like that. Damn I thought this was going to be a horror movie. Korean movies are just on another level. 1:00 Half life called they want their zombie sound back. Ive had enough of that schwiingg sound effect in movies, when swords are pulled or struck. 0:27 How is Chris Evans being Captain America a sin.

The theory that this movie is a sequel to the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory makes it so much better. I freaking like this movie! Superb realizat! Felicitari. This movie is so full of heavy handed surrealism, it's hard to really evaluate it. If one looks at the realities of the plot, you give up in a minute. I almost did. But then you accept the fact that some guy has built a train that goes on endlessly, filled with multi-generational passengers who represent a sort of caste system. The have nots are in the back and the haves are in the front. In between are groups of military types, junkies, a preppy school, and on and on. The poor folk live on things that look like tar like Jell-o jigglers but manage to maintain their health. Why they are being kept alive is a mystery at first, but ultimately the bad guys are going to be seen for what they are. The world has been launched into an ice age through human stupidity and bad science, so no one can leave the train. The battle is never clear because it seems that its a suicide mission, but there are so many inconsistencies and plot holes that we can only look at this like a futurist "Pilgrim's Progress" with a lesson to be learned. Previous viewers have put forth list of these failings so I won't go into them. Suffice it to say that it's one of the most unique films I've seen, and that makes it worth our time.

1) Chris Evans 2) Train 3) And takes place in a cold climate All we need is Bucky and it'll be one of the scenes from Captain America Also why do i feel like this movie is gonna do what it took the Hunger Games 4 movies to do. You poeple are shallow. When the train wrecked, We returned to stoned age and humanity restarted. It's pretty cool when a trailer has a twist ending, lol. Should have taken the title more literal...

Brit movies are really something. Their style. Sleekness and almost everything to go with it... and I love this director only after Nolan, guy Ritchie, and anurag basu... third ones Indian by they way try watching his movies if u guys haven't already.


I like how Curtis immediately push Yona to the back when the axe gang appeared. Those two kids will spread the human race lol the genetic bottle neck will wipe them out before that could happen. Made me hungry this trailer. Well Said and done. Brace yourselves, proud gypsy comments are coming. Download link. This movie is a Metaphor and it is really close to Orwell's 1984 is a brilliant movie and I put it next to the Matrix was amazing movie just pure brilliant and the guy who made it is a movie depicts the world we live world we live today is close to NAZIstic *beep* and we are completely trapped like in the train and you can associate with different cars of the train train goes in Circles around the world in a year so the the same old BS over and over again and orchestrated wars and conflicts and revolutions that do not lead to nothing new the main trainman is just replaced with pure people that later can turn in to the same Dictators this time our new trainman decided to end this viscous cycle and end this nonsense Turned out at the end that we must brake this Cycle to get real freedom and to see that the world is totally different and we have to see it with different eyes that is how those 2 saw the world after the train movie is brilliant.

So powerful having him pull the trigger on himself, all the power, authority and years of control gone within seconds.