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キPopcorn Timeサ Watch The Lighthouse

2020.05.26 04:32

Runtime - 109 m

Directed by - Robert Eggers
audience Score - 98141 votes
release Year - 2019
Creators - Robert Eggers, Max Eggers

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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2019 Verified Purchase "The Lighthouse" is based on the true story of the Smalls Lighthouse Incident that took place in 1801. Thomas Griffith and Thomas Howell were two men who were hired to "keep" a lighthouse at least 20 miles from land and 25 miles from the nearest inhabited part of Wales, on a small rock island. The Small's Lighthouse was first constructed in the winter of 1775-1776 and in spite of a number of mishaps and minor tragedies, was not de-commissioned until around 1858. An incident in 1777 at Smalls occurred when builders went to fortify the lighthouse and got stranded, but were finally rescued after they threw two notes in casks begging for rescue, which were promptly found and delivered to the intended recipient within a couple days. The Incident in 1801 was a tragic tale of the two men who were stranded in a similar way as the party of 1777, but with more profoundly disturbing results. IGNORE the one-star reviews if you like historically based dramas, tales of good and evil, struggle with the belief in God, or even gothic horror. The latter being a horror of sublimely tragic events and a psychological drama that unfold whilst trapped in a wooden lighthouse during several weeks of terrible storms over 200 years ago. The film may not appeal to those who need explosions, cheap scares and car chases to be entertained, but as for myself; I loved it. There is a new film coming out with Willem DaFoe in 2019, also called "The Lighthouse" and it is supposed to be one of the most anticipated films of the year. From what I have read, this earlier film from 2018 stays much closer to the historical facts and legends of the actual events, so it is a good place to start while waiting for the new film. Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2019 Verified Purchase "The Lighthouse" is a 2016 movie about 2 men isolated in a lighthouse that go crazy. "The Lighthouse" is also a 2019 movie about 2 men isolated in a lighthouse that go crazy. One, from the creator of "The VVitch", stars Willem Dafoe and a sparkly vampire. Just a heads up this is not that one. Reviewed in the United States on October 31, 2019 Verified Purchase This movie had solid characters and excellent acting. It was suspenseful, harrowing, and true. Some might find it overly long, but for me, this made me feel I was part of the claustrophobic and maddening situation experienced by the keepers. The fog was palpable, and was a character in its own right, along with the lighthouse, the sea, the isolation, and the relentless storm. Very heartbreaking story. Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2019 Verified Purchase While the comparison to Robert Eggers' 2019 film are inevitable, I will refrain from doing so and only say that Eggers' film is the superior of the two. This movie, while it had interesting things happening in it, it got incredibly boring after Griffith died. Howell just wasn't that interesting of a character and not much actually happens after Griffith's death. All that happened were attempts at being ambiguous and subvert expectations, but they all failed. It just felt like a drawn out, incredibly boring way of detailing a man spiraling to insanity. The film failed to deliver any tension or narrative follow through that I expected from a film such as this. Sure, it's a historical piece that dramatizes the actual events of what happened at Smalls lighthouse, but I feel like they could have done more to make it interesting and engaging without it losing steam. The middle to end segments felt like slideshows of moments that could be horrifying, but just aren't. There isn't any flair to the editing or cinematography to create tension during scenes of hallucination or dreams and it just feels like the filmmakers had no idea how to make this entertaining after the first half. Reviewed in the United States on January 21, 2020 Verified Purchase Dark, dark based on real life events film with just the touch of “is it supernatural/is someone going mad" added to it. Based on a historical event, the Smalls Lighthouse Tragedy in 1801 (a lighthouse on an island in Wales, 20 miles offshore, the island bleak and rocky, site of where two people went mad (or at least one did), where one lighthouse keeper came to a bad end, the tragedy leading the British to go from two person lighthouse teams to three person teams). The film focuses on the interaction of the two men assigned to the lighthouse, Thomas Griffith (played by Mark Lewis Jones) and Thomas Howell (played by Michael Jibson), all alone till relieved by boat, dealing with isolation, a series of storms that delays their relief (and leading to a consequent dwindling of food and water), and the animosity between the two, as on a previous tour of duty at a lighthouse, six men died while one of them was on duty. The other lighthouse keeper has not only not forgiven the other for this event (and even considers him cursed) but is offended that this man is religious, praying and reading from the Bible, who we find is not atheist so much as very, very angry at God, blaming God for not only not saving those six men but the apparent loss of others close to him (though to be fair not the fault of the other lighthouse keeper). The movie really immersed me into the world of the two lighthouse keepers, the dark, almost claustrophobic quarters, the wave-tossed gray sea, the fog, the two begrudgingly becoming close, perhaps singing sea chanties together or playing chess or complementing the other on a meal, and then veering apart again when old wounds resurfaced and getting into heated arguments. The thriller aspect to the film really happens, sorry if this is a spoiler, when one of them comes to a bad end, and what the other experiences as a result. Did he see ghosts, visions, did he go mad, yes all of that? After the event the film is definitely from the point of view of an unreliable narrator (to the extent the film is narrated, which at this point I don’t think it is) and the audience probably wonders if what it is seeing is delusion or a dream or a hallucination. It was slow at times, very slow, but overall it was well made. Well cast, well-acted, a very believable setting, could have edged a bit more into the supernatural and it would be more than fine with me. Definitely a downer of a movie but one glad I watched. A film if one likes seeing people slowly slip into madness and/or very isolated outposts dealing with the fact that they are very much all alone when something Bad Happens. Top international reviews 5. 0 out of 5 stars You must see this film Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 2, 2017 Verified Purchase Brilliant film, set, costume, special effects and actors. Excellent directing, Based on a true story which pulls you into the psychological torment madness and desperation of both mens situation present and past. A slow decent into madness, You would never believe this was filmed in a warehouse on a small budget. The lighthouse won a welsh bafta which was very well deserved. You must see this film. 8 people found this helpful Sending feedback... Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try again Report abuse very watchable dvd Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 17, 2018 Verified Purchase Watched this on tv a couple of years ago and bought it to let my grandsons watch it too. Brilliant acting and very interesting as it's based on a true story. A MUST SEE!!!! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 29, 2016 Verified Purchase Well scripted superb acting beautifully shot and edited. A gripping true story of legendary Welsh nautical recommended. 2 people found this helpful Five Stars Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 14, 2016 Verified Purchase drama and alcoholic fantasy Report abuse.

If you came to our site from your phone, then You are also without any problem be able to watch The Lighthouse free on the iPad, because all the players optimized for mobile operating systems android and all ios versions. Latest on The Lighthouse (2019) A24 Auctions off Props from 'The Lighthouse', 'Uncut Gems' to Aid Coronavirus Relief By Greta Bjornson • Apr 22, 2020 Now's your chance to own some Howard Ratner gems. 'The Lighthouse' By Fletcher Peters Apr 17, 2020 A film perfect for our socially isolated times. Stream It Or Skip It Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Lighthouse' on Amazon Prime, the Story of a Bee-yoo-tiful Friendship Between Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe By John Serba Apr 16, 2020 Should've given Dafoe an Oscar. New Movies on Demand: 'Joker, ' 'Three Christs, ' 'Snatchers, ' and More By Samantha Donsky Jan 10, 2020 This week's new releases include Peter Dinklage and Richard Gere in Three Christs, Gabrielle Elyse in Snatchers, Joker available for rent and more! New Movies on Demand: 'Joker, ' 'The Lighthouse, ' 'Hustlers, ' and More Dec 20, 2019 This week's new releases include Joaquin Phoenix in Joker, Robert Pattinson and Willem Defoe in The Lighthouse, Hustlers available to rent and more!

Greetings again from the darkness. The opening sequence plays like something from 1920's era cinema. The chug-chug-chug of a boat slamming against the waves of an angry sea while birds flap and chirp alongside. We hear the wind and "feel" the severe ocean spray. Several minutes elapse before any word is spoken. Immediately noticeable is the nearly square aspect ratio. the rarely (these days) seen 1.19:1 frame, making the black and white images appear both surreal and ominous.
All of the above makes perfect sense when we realize this is writer-director Robert Eggers' first feature film since his 2015 indie horror gem THE WITCH won dozens of festival awards. Mr. Eggers obviously has his own vision for projects, and his approach borders on experimental, eschewing conventional. He co-wrote this script with his brother Max, and evidently much was drawn from the actual journals of lighthouse keepers. something that is evident in the vocabulary and the effects of solitude.
4-time Oscar nominee Willem Dafoe stars alongside Robert Pattison as the two men charged with a 4 week assignment of tending to a lighthouse. The film is set in 1890, and Dafoe plays Thomas Wake, the epitome of a salty old sea dog, replete with bad leg, hardcore Atlantic accent, and upside down pipe. Pattinson is Ephraim Winslow, the assistant Wickie, who faces non-stop demands from Wake, and initially maintains a quietness as he goes about his duties. what Wake calls the 'doldrums.' We learn little about either man's past. For Wake, other than knowing his previous assistant went mad, the clue is when he mentions "13 Christmases spent at sea" costing him a family. For Ephraim, when Wake asks, Tell me what's a timberman want with being a Wickie? we get some insight into Ephraim's desired future.
Eggers has delivered the anti-buddy movie. It's a bleak, slow-motion race to insanity caused by being isolated with only one other person. a person you aren't fond of. Only this is not a director or a film content with showing two men stuck on a storm-battered rock, as they slip towards insanity. No, we viewers are forced to experience some of these same feelings - how much of what we see is actually happening? It's mesmerizing and hypnotic, and the above-mentioned narrow screen aspect purposefully emphasizes the sense of confinement and claustrophobia.
With no color and only a couple of characters. OK, 3 if you count the mermaid. OK, 4 if you count the seagull. the film still manages to pound us with sensory overload. We can barely process all we are seeing, despite relatively minimal 'typical' action. The black and white images are mostly just various shades of gray, and sunshine is non-existent. Cinematographer Jarin Blaschke (THE WITCH) embraces the dreariness by allowing the fog, lanterns, candles, wind, rain, and harsh elements to become characters unto themselves. However, nothing is in sync with our two leads. Composer Mark Korven fills the many lapses in dialogue with sounds and tones we haven't heard before, yet they fit perfectly here. This is also quite likely the first film to utilize farts and foghorns in harmony.
Director Eggers filmed this on Cape Forchu in Nova Scotia, and the extreme weather and less-than-welcoming terrain create quite the visuals - as do the faces of our two lead actors. Dafoe may never have chewed scenery so delightfully as he does here, and Pattinson starts slowly before delivering his best work - including a ferocious rant that is fascinating to watch and contrast to his character's first meal with Dafoe. Is this a horror film? A fantasy? Macabre comedy? There is simply no way to describe this other than bizarre. It's truly miserable cinema, and I loved every minute of it.

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