IMDb TV Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Free Online
152 minute /
Rating 608497 Votes /
Star Maggie Smith, Rupert Grint /
countries USA /
Average rating 7,8 of 10 Star /
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2:58 notice how the Professor also flinches with Ron. The acting is so bad. Harry trying to cacht the letters from the sky instead of getting one from the floor is why he isn't in Ravenclaw.
Even seeing this in the theater as a kid I always thought it was hilarious that McGonagall and Snape just walk out at the end before the kids even leave just like Well I'm not dealing with that fucking thing so, deuces. 2:56 Vernons scream 😂. I love how the hat barely touched him and it yelled sytherin. XD. The actor playing Dudley is named Harry. 3:18 his voice changed. Harry: Blown up. You told me my parents died in a car crash! Hagrid: A car crash killed Lily and James Potter. It's an outrage! It's a scandal! Great Prune: He'll not be going.
You're a lizard harry. Vernon:NOOOO! Dudley:Aaaaaaahhh! Petunia:OH NO. Harry:yay! Me:MY POST HAS ARRIVED. 2:20 HE'S JUST A KID! Harry can't be a wizard, He's just a regular person. That's crazy, his Mom and Dad do no such magic in this 20th Century, magics don't exist like medieval time. 2:39 Maybe, maybe not. Why'd he asked, him, Angry or Scared? Says who? Say Hagrid perhaps. This is so cute... I was crying when i saw it, i miss harry potter 😞. THIS SCENE. This is why Hermione is in Gryffindor, not Ravenclaw. Gryffindors believe in honour and bravery. She needed both to tell that lie for Harry and Ron. Hufflepuffs would do the same thing but for different reasons: we believe in fair play and honesty. In choosing Gryffindor for Hermione, the Sorting Hat certainly recognized her bravery at heart as well as her intelligence, both of which she inherited from Belle, her great-great grandmother.
I love how Ian Heart acts. His character and him are very handsome. Me Cause I Watched This 3 Years Ago and I Downloaded The Game : OMG IT'S THE SORTING HAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 🥺 I feel so bad for Draco He got rejected🥺 Oof I'm kinda obsessed with Harry and Draco so heh😅😑. Ron: as for me. I'll be a knight. Everyone: no. You'll be a king 👑.
Chills. God I love HP.
Harry Potter, a seemingly normal 11 year old boy soon discovers that there is far more to the world and himself then he ever imagined. Famous for an incident at his birth he soon discovers the world of magic as he is invited and attends Hogwarts, a school for witchcraft and wizardry. While there he learns that not all wizards are those to be trusted and there are those still serve an old evil, an old evil that wants Harry Potter dead.
Based off the acclaimed series by J.K. Rowling, Chris Columbus directs the first of the series. Touching, heartfelt and innocent is one way to describe the first of the series, lighthearted in its enjoyment and in its scope, one feels after watching this film that they've barely scraped the surface of the world of magic and muggles and one would be right in making that assessment. John Williams scores the film beautifully and the entire score itself feels like a part of the magic that is this film. The child actors mainly Radcliffe, Grint and Watson do a marvelous job and the chemistry between the three cant be denied by the viewer at at any point. Alan Rickman, who plays the sinister Snape is wonderful in his role and is easily one of the many who do a wonderful job within the film. The late Richard Harris also does a magnificent job as does Maggie Smith. One cant help but be inexplicably drawn to the film, it almost feels as though you are let in on a secret, one in which you are glad to be a part of. While some would argue that the first of the series is perhaps a bit to childish in its nature, i disagree and say it is the most care free of the series, a good introduction piece into a series that only gets darker and more adult as they go. For any fan of fantasy, or any fan of film in general the first Harry Potter film is a true gem and one I'm glad to have watched.
Bogey flavoured what's that mean.
Imagine if someone had to go through every single wand in the shop to find the right one
When the notifications hit you. It's chucky cheese xD. It's a shame Jeremy Silman didn't even get any credit for creating the chess board.