Movie4k Watch Movie Snowpiercer
Casts - Jamie Bell
runtime - 126 Minute
Directed by - Bong Joon Ho
Genres - Sci-Fi, Action
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⦂⦂ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
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This is without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Nothing about it is believable, nothing about it makes sense. It tries to explain the meaning of life by creating an apocalyptic nightmare, on a train, with unnecessary action, senseless characters, and even worse dialog. There is a line in the movie about how baby flesh is the tastiest of all human flesh. This line is spoken by the main character during the climax of figuring out his identity. How this movie got made is beyond me. How this movie has real stars in it blows my mind.
This is the worst movie I have ever seen, and yes I have watched Salo (or the 120 Days of Sodom) in it's entirety. This is worse, on every level.
This movie is literally about nothing. And in the end of the movie, there is no resolution. The characters are killed off faster than a games of thrones episode, and I have no empathy when any of it happens. The only thing apocalyptic about this movie is the fact that it is devoid of all emotion whatsoever. I hope the robots enjoy watching it when humanity is extinct, and laugh about how inferior our race was.
It seriously makes me question the entire collective intelligence of the human race and makes me wish we were extinct. IT IS THAT BAD. Avoid at all costs.
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