Google Play Movies The Lion King Free Download
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Linda Woolverton.
Directed by Jon Favreau.
Synopsis After the murder of his father, a young lion prince flees his kingdom only to learn the true meaning of responsibility and bravery.
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Files in VOB format have a filename extension and are typically stored in the VIDEO_TS directory at the root of a DVD. The lion king 2019 cast.
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While the cgi is really good. That's about it. That's the only thing this has going for it. The acting on the characters all sound uninspired and a lot of the dialogue sounds cringy and awkward. That goes for the singing moments too. It's a note for note copy of the original cartoon and honestly you're better off just rewatching that. I don't mind note for note copies like Disney has been doing lately. But it didn't have the same flare and inspiration as Beauty and Beast and even Alladin had.
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As someone who grew up watching The Lion King (90s baby here) I was thrilled to hear of the live action adaptation for Lion King was in the works. With Disney essentially making a live-action universe. It was impossible to leave something as iconic as The Lion King out of the mix.
I expected critics to not like this film. It was almost inevitable. Something as iconic as The Lion King is embedded in the minds of fans everywhere. Any changes, no matter how slight will get you points docked. And that's why I feel critics have mixed emotions about this film. I personally think they take themselves entirely too seriously. This is a live-action adaptation of the story, meant to give the audience and realistic re-telling of the story, or should I say as real as possible(we all know animals don't talk. And that's exactly what this film did.
Yes there are flaws, such as the animals not emoting because of the realistic CGI or some scenes not looking as colorful and majestic as they did in the orginal z but hey, you can't have it all. I throughly enjoyed the film. It was nearly a scene-by-scene recapture of the orginal film with some new material added, which was a smart move in my opinion. As I said before, a film as iconic as TLK
Seth Rogen and Billy Eichener stole the show as Timon and Pumba. Their chemistry and charisma brought so much life to the film and none of the jokes fell short. Beyonce did very well as Nala despite some criticism on social media from short clips. Nala also has a much more developed character in the film which I particularly enjoyed. Scar was dark and intimidating, Chiwetel really did excellent for such a hard role to fill.
Overall the movie funny, heartfelt, beautifully crafted, and just an overrall treat to watch. Go see it with the family and I assure you they will thoroughly enjoy it.
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