Ameba Ownd


misayama's spiritual life ※ dharma ix 36


2020.05.28 00:11


Angel Number 389 promotes the conclusion of situations or phases in your life, new beginnings and opportunities presenting to you, and doing things your own way.


If you have been intuitively feeling that a part of your life is coming to a close or end, Angel Number 389 is a message of validation for you. Something in your life is about to leave and will be replaced with something better. Be open to receiving and accepting new possessions that are beyond your expectations. Believe that you deserve the very best.


One door is beginning to open, and another door is closing. Be sure to listen to your intuition closely as it will guide you to take the steps that will ensure your steady abundance during these transitions.


Angel Number 389 is a message that the angels are with you, always offering encouragement and support. They are helping you to serve your soul mission as a lightworker and ask you to have faith and trust that you possess all the skills, talents and abilities within you that you need to succeed with your soul’s tasks in this lifetime. As you put your efforts and focus upon living your personal truths and being a positive example for others, you automatically manifest abundance and plenty into your life.


Angel Number 389 can be a message about your lifestyle and career choices, and the angels guide and support you as you focus upon your life purpose as a lightworker.


If you are considering focusing on beginning (or expanding) a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career, Angel Number 389 is a positive sign that you will find success in your chosen venture. It is a sign to prompt you towards your true soul’s calling.


引用:Joanne Sacred Scribes


validation 妥当性の確認→その通り(だという検証)

positive example 肯定的な例→自信や希望を与える実例

prompt ~ ~を駆り立てる