‹DIRECTV› The Silence of the Lambs Download Movie
Star Anthony Hopkins
year 1991
Reviews F.B.I. trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) works hard to advance her career, while trying to hide or put behind her West Virginia roots, of which if some knew, would automatically classify her as being backward or white trash. After graduation, she aspires to work in the agency's Behavioral Science Unit under the leadership of Jack Crawford (Scott Glenn). While she is still a trainee, Crawford asks her to question Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Sir Anthony Hopkins), a psychiatrist imprisoned, thus far, for eight years in maximum security isolation for being a serial killer who cannibalized his victims. Clarice is able to figure out the assignment is to pick Lecter's brains to help them solve another serial murder case, that of someone coined by the media as "Buffalo Bill" (Ted Levine), who has so far killed five victims, all located in the eastern U.S., all young women, who are slightly overweight (especially around the hips), all who were drowned in natural bodies of water, and all who were stripped of large swaths of skin. She also figures that Crawford chose her, as a woman, to be able to trigger some emotional response from Lecter. After speaking to Lecter for the first time, she realizes that everything with him will be a psychological game, with her often having to read between the very cryptic lines he provides. She has to decide how much she will play along, as his request in return for talking to him is to expose herself emotionally to him. The case takes a more dire turn when a sixth victim is discovered, this one from who they are able to retrieve a key piece of evidence, if Lecter is being forthright as to its meaning. A potential seventh victim is high profile Catherine Martin (Brooke Smith), the daughter of Senator Ruth Martin (Diane Baker), which places greater scrutiny on the case as they search for a hopefully still alive Catherine. Who may factor into what happens is Dr. Frederick Chilton (Anthony Heald), the warden at the prison, an opportunist who sees the higher profile with Catherine, meaning a higher profile for himself if he can insert himself successfully into the proceedings
audience score 1162488 vote
duration 118 m
ALFRED Hitchcock ONE of the greatest mind OF Hollywood THE guy that CREATED horror. I love r kelly but around my daughters im not comfortable hahahahah i cant 🤣🤣🤣🤣 luda u a fool for that one. Historic moment... this is the reception for one of the best art work in last century... only a very few match this even among all forms of art... Okay explain to me why I just watched this today for a criminal justice class and then it pops up on my recommended 😳. I just watched this movie in my film studies class... The most deserved Oscar. Hitsujitachi no chinmoku chapter 6. Wonderful voice, handsome man too, top of the line actor in every role, he can rescue any movie, he makes other actors stronger, he is an actor super hero...
The silence of the lambs is my favorite movie. His performance was amazing. 918 views in 5 hours but snitchnine gets 48 million.
Right, I was about to go to bed, then I see Hannibal Lecters face and now I cant sleep
Put the lotion in the basket or else it gets the hose again. I had to pause during Luda's 2nd verse. It feels too nostalgic, brings me back to his earlier albums! It's so rare for an artist to actually channel their original style decades later. This legit made me feel like I'm listening to Word of Mouf. Wtf is the point of displaying it with the full time then have it turn into a clip.
This movie has one of the best acting I've ever seen. You barely notice you're watching a movie.
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 finally another Luda song plus an album coming yes I cant wait.