∑Kanopy Free Watch El hoyo
A mysterious place, an indescribable prison, a deep hole. An unknown number of levels. Two inmates living on each level. A descending platform containing food for all of them. An inhuman fight for survival, but also an opportunity for solidarity;
Cast=Emilio Buale;
Genres=Thriller, Horror;
Writed by=David Desola;
director=Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
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El hoyo meme. El hoyo.
هذا الفيلم كلش حلو. حلو بمعنى الكلمة
El honors.
El hoyo mario suarez.
El hoyo imdb.
El hoyo 2018.
El hoyo pelicula trailer.
El hoyo bt.
Where's your girlfriend? looks left and right* Tom, Where is your girlfriend? She's at work Ah, wait where does she work? I n t h e h o l e edit: btw thanks for all the likes.
Mom: where is your test In the hole.
El hoyo 2019.
El hoyo soundtrack.
El hoyo significado.
First of all this film is not a Marvel movie
Where EVERYTHING is And needs to be explained. Its intentionally leaving things to your own imagination. Think of it like the movie 'mother' with jennifer lawrence. Where each event is a metaphor to something bigger, in which case Mother was references to the bible and with ' the platform ' its current world social standings and human behaviour in a crisis.
So, the pillars in this film everyone can probably agree on in is where the 'administration' is the government. The levels in the prison refer to social standing and the food table represents human behaviour towards resources. I.e the upper class get the best and most whilst bottom levels in life get little/nothing.
Now this is pretty much where the Structure ends and other events that happen could mean a few different things. However it saddens me
To have seen a good few reviews mark this film
Down because of its ending. Reading their reviews, these seem to be the type of person that NEED a Marvel comic ending and everything needs an explanation. In the interest of not writing a novel here im gona skip straight to the ending.
I can think of about 3 different things the ending COULD mean but theres prob more. the point is the film gets you thinking and it is what you make of it.
For example we discover the little girl at the bottom level even though the administration said theres no one under age of 16 in this prison. This could mean multiple things. Like Simply the government ignorIng child poverty. Or maybe something deeper as she was literally untouched and had no other cell mate. This could mean after all our greed its the children who suffer the most and we need to look after them. You just simply dont know and i think thats the beauty of this film.
You could go on with loads of other things that happen and say what is the true 'message. Why a pannacotta to be saved? Why was there 333 levels. Is it because that would give you 666 cellmates as a reference to hell and the dark level below 333 was a reference to hell and basically saying were going to there anyway even if we think we are good?
Who knows but i think thats why its a solid 8/10 movie.
I actually don't understand the people who write "this doesnt make sense" why was the elevator floating for example. please stick to disney and rom come.
El hoyo wikipedia.
An extended version of the short film Second Floor(Denis Villeneuve) with more one the nose social classes metaphor lol.
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El hoyo netflix explicacion.
El hoyo 2. El hoyo trailer rus. Total waste of time the movie is boring it sucks there is no good story the least bit of interest we don't find out the acting is bad it's it's really a bad move what can we say about the bad movie next time that it's bad it's just bad that the music isn't bad but even so you need to say it is not bad and everything is bad can I save my interpretation and it's telling meand I think the thing is they are showing us people as we are now quarantined in our house everyone is in his bowl summer are very rich they have enough food some of us have swimming pools some of us have doggies and animals with a garden but still we are in a hole in a prison know some of us are very hungry some of us I did some where are some places in the world that's what the movie portrays the hole is a metaphor for the world.
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Y quien comió el postre entonces
Holy effing what. This looks SO GOOD. El hoyo negro.
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