∥Roku Watch Movie El hoyo
107225 Votes
directors Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
7,5 of 10
Genres Horror
runtime 94 m
Stars Antonia San Juan, Emilio Buale
♥♥ ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤
♥♥ ×××××××
الفلم فكرتو مجنونة وبناقش رسائل مبطنة ونهايتو جداً عجبتني و وصلتني الرسالة واخيراً البطل شبه إبراهيموفيتش 😅.
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333 x 2 personas = 666 el número de la bestia, el anticristo y el último piso es el infierno. “Tom, wheres the hole?” Tom: “In the mug” “And wheres the mug?” Tom: ”In the hole.”. This film is not about the trial, it's about our society. If you live at the highest levels, your life is perfest, and you don't want to help others. If you live at the lowest levels, you can do only 1 thing - wait goods from higher levels. This fim has a lot of easters to Bible. So, this film isn't perfect, but if you like difficult film, you must watch it.
Is nobody really going to say the main character look like John McAfee. انا فهمت تماماً نفس الشي لكن بلاضافة : لما بينتقل للطابق رقم ٦ وبيتعاون مع انسان اسود وافكارو مختلفة ليحققو العدل او ليلاقو حل. الفكرة انو الخلاص هوة التعاون مع كل لناس لو اديش ماكانو مختلفين. Platform bed frame. No es cierto, el director no manifiesta que sea una crítica al socialismo únicamente, más bien a las clases sociales y gobiernos de todas las ideologías con la esperanza que representa la niña, lo veo más ligado a las clases de todas las sociedades políticas y económicas sin distingo. no comparto tu opinión Fernando, pero es la visión personal y por lo tanto respetable. Yo estuve toda la pelicula esperando que le dieran su titulo homologado...
Platform tennis. From the first couple of clips, i feel like she has an anxious attachment style (almost like the people pleaser, constantly wanting reassurance that she's doing fine. Platform sneakers. The platform is a simple social test of leadership, this is how you solve it: You convince the pair below to alternate days, one eats whilst the other fasts, the next day they swap. This doubles the finite resources whilst fostering a culture of rationing. Thats the aim. You achieve this aim using the simple carrot & stick philosophy. You tell the pair below you they will get double the food if they follow and reciprocate this rule because you will do the same on your floor. However if you see them disregard the rule and see them both eating, the next day you will destroy all of the food. Done.
Esas mamadas no se dicen, se dan. Y quiero 2 para llevar.
Such an awesome idea and lovely performances.
If you like Psychological and Sociological subject and movies, this movie is highly recommended to you.
It was one of the best movies I've ever seen.
Me agrada el tema de Jesucristo como filósofo para un próximo video 👍🏽.
Platform cup.
“Well I woke up this morning” “And there was a hole”.
The movie could have been much better if it's extended to at least another 30 minutes to give it a better closure.
Story gives a lot of potential twists and turnovers to give more throttle to last more and to enjoy it more.
I believe the writers believed in the symbolic purpose of the story which i got it very fast but it needed more to support a complete movie.
🇨🇦 El hoyo 🇪🇦 El hoyo 🇮🇹 El hoyo 🇵🇪 El hoyo 🇲🇽Mexico: el prestas. Cabe mencionar que se te olvidó el hecho que cuando se va la plataforma y ellos se quedan en el 333 impactados por qué la niña existe, se quedan también con la panacota y El Hoyo no los castiga bajando o subiendo la temperatura. Que significa eso. A mí parecer es un punto más a favor en cuestion de que es cierto, se tiene que mandar el mensaje y se mando.
3:50 ¿Administrar escasez no es una de las definiciones de economía? Saludos. Platform 9 meme. Am i the only one who thinks that haley bennett looks like jennifer lawrence. Spanish shows are really coming for US shows, the originality is insane. Platform aerospace. You went to see a movie Diera to watch online on putlocker completely in good HD quality. Objetivo: Hacer trabajos practicos Obstaculo: Nuevo final explicado de zombyte. I just cant stop imagining the girl flying off when he reaches floor 1. Platform csfd. Platform one flemington nj. Empieza el vídeo: Nadie es el mismo después de ver el hoyo. Me. —. QuÉ El vidio: de Netflix, obvio JAKSJ. Me: JAJSJSJSSJS. I honestly thought this was a new willy Wonka trailer because of the thumbnail.
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Platform ending explained. Mom where is dad? i n t h e h o l e. The movie makes 0 sence! No logic, no plot, nothing. I won't lie, she's actually pretty (just my opinion.
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