★Yify-Torrent★ Movie Stream El hoyo
Country: Spain
Writers: David Desola, Pedro Rivero
Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
abstract: A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. One only food platform and two minutes per day to feed from up to down. An endless nightmare trapped in The Hole
User Ratings: 7,4 of 10
https://nicovideo-jp.com/watch/1105?utm_source=themedia.jp Official
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The prison of the future contains a pit in which a platform of food descends room by room until nothing is left. Inmates are allowed one thing, anything, from the outside world into their cells and while most choose weapons, some bring odd things like a dog or a book. Many inmates resort to killing to survive, but one of them - a reader of Don Quixote - decides instead to send a message to the powers that be.
If you find frequent stabbings and rotten, half-eaten bodies offensive, this uninhibited, brazen, graphic, raw and irreverent film may not be for you. While I appreciated the intense and primal nature of the film, at times it was a little too bizarre and orderless even for me. Seen at the Toronto international film festival.
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