The Princess Bride Watch Stream Rob Reiner no registration 1987 year
tomatometer 8,2 of 10.
Abstract An elderly man reads the book "The Princess Bride" to his sick and thus currently bedridden adolescent grandson, the reading of the book which has been passed down within the family for generations. The grandson is sure he won't like the story, with a romance at its core, he preferring something with lots of action and "no kissing". But the grandson is powerless to stop his grandfather, whose feelings he doesn't want to hurt. The story centers on Buttercup, a former farm girl who has been chosen as the princess bride to Prince Humperdinck of Florian. Buttercup does not love him, she who still laments the death of her one true love, Westley, five years ago. Westley was a hired hand on the farm, his stock answer of "as you wish" to any request she made of him which she came to understand was his way of saying that he loved her. But Westley went away to sea, only to be killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts. On a horse ride to clear her mind of her upcoming predicament of marriage, Buttercup is kidnapped by a band of bandits: Vizzini who works on his wits, and his two associates, a giant named Fezzik who works on his brawn, and a Spaniard named Inigo Montoya, who has trained himself his entire life to be an expert swordsman. They in turn are chased by the Dread Pirate Roberts himself. But chasing them all is the Prince, and his men led by Count Tyrone Rugen. What happens to these collectives is dependent partly on Buttercup, who does not want to marry the Prince, and may see other options as lesser evils, and partly on the other motives of individuals within the groups. But a larger question is what the grandson will think of the story as it proceeds and at its end, especially as he sees justice as high a priority as action.
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Year 1987.
1 h, 38Min
The Princess Bride Watch streaming sur internet.
Amusing fantasy farce from Rob Reiner, based on the William Goldman novel (or is it William Golding? I keep forgetting. When little Fred Savage falls ill, his grandpa Peter Falk comes to read him the tongue-in-cheek story of "The Princess Bride.
A haughty, beautiful blonde farm girl named Buttercup (Robin Wright Penn) eventually falls in love with her stable boy Westley (Cary Elwes) but he has no money for a marriage so he heads out to sea to find his fortune. His ship is attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts and he is believed dead. Years later, a stoic, emotionally traumatized Buttercup is a princess about to be wed to the evil prince Humperdink (Chris Sarandon. In an evil plot to stir up a war, she is kidnapped by three lugs, the pompous Vizzini, the jaunty Spaniard swordsman Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) and the gentle giant Fezzik (the late Andre the Giant) only to be rescued by a man in black who looks like Zorro who turns out to be the Dread Pirate Roberts who just turns out to be. Westley! But our hero has his luck cut out for him, climbing the Cliffs of Insanity, dueling, wrestling, falling down ravines, facing the dangers of the Fire Swamp and having to survive death so that True Love can conquer all.
Like I said, very funny and enchanting with well tuned performances from the jaunty cast. Ah what a beauty Robin Wright Penn was in this film...
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