VUDU Free Movie Online Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
A Sequel to Justice League Dark (2017) involving Jack Kirby's New Gods.
Directors: Matt Peters.
8,1 of 10.
Liked It: 8282 Vote.
runtime: 90Minute
Justice League Dark: Apokolips war iii.
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Justice league dark: apokolips war 123 movie.
This movie dropped the ball hard. A complete waste of an ending to a really solid series of films, bogged down by poor attempts at shock value by way of gorily killing off as many characters as possible. It tried to ape Avengers: Endgame but missed most of the reasons why that film was liked by mainstream audiences.
Most of this is copied from a review I left on another site since the formatting got screwed up and because I just need to get this out of my system. I'm a huge fan of most of the DC animated movies before this one, and this movie just disappointed me so badly that I'm actually posting an overwhelmingly negative review online, something I literally have never done before now.
Within the first 20 minutes of the movie, the DC Animated film universe's incarnation of the Justice League, most of whom were developed and built up as likable and fun characters, are brutally murdered by Darkseid's forces. We get closeups as each of them are violently chopped in half or disemboweled, with barely any due diligence given to having these iconic characters being done in in such a gruesome manner. The story cuts to two years later, with the surviving cast teaming up to try and take down Darkseid and stop him from destroying the planet.
The story itself is fairly generic and falls flat; many characters from previous films in the series are brought back only to be killed off with little fanfare. Captain Marvel is shown to escape from the initial slaughter on Apokolips (minus a leg) but is later killed off rather anticlimactically. Dick Grayson is shown revived by a Lazarus Pit but does nothing for the entire rest of the movie. John Stewart shows up for one scene, sacrificing himself with zero buildup and gets reduced to a skeleton by Darkseid after he murders the Guardians of the Universe and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps.
Matt Ryan as Constantine is always a joy, but he's honestly wasted on this movie. The voice acting is all pretty good, but the script holds back the movie immensely. There were only a few scenes I actually enjoyed during the movie, the rest of it just felt painful and overdone. It's telling that very few of the creative forces who were instrumental in making most of the other films in the DC Animated Movie series were present for the making of this film, it rings hollow throughout. Even longtime character designer Phil Bourassa's work on the movie can't help things, even in the series' weaker entries I love seeing the takes on classic DC characters, but there was so much in this movie that was recycled from other films that almost nothing was there to enjoy in that regard.
Darkseid is an extremely one-note generic galactic conquerer, a far cry from his comic depiction. For a movie that centers around Jack Kirby's Fourth World saga (and goes as far as to feature his name prominently in the credits) it borrows almost nothing from his actual work, he could have been replaced with almost any. To be fair, this was also the case for the two previous films featuring the character as an antagonist, but the Fourth World and Darkseid's goals were not featured nearly as prominently as they are here. In other films, he mostly serves as a simple antagonistic force to bring the characters together, but he feels woefully generic and underdeveloped.
Furthermore, the movie revels in its overly violent ways of killing off its established cast to the point where it's gratuitous and clearly only being done for shock value most of the time. There was really no reason this movie needed to be rated R. In something like Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay or Constantine: City of Demons, both similarly violent entries in the series, the more gory deaths work to build a general atmosphere for the film and exemplify the sorts of stories the characters have been in in the comics. But here, it just feels out of place and like a bad fanfiction. It's more plausible to see John Constantine fighting demons who gruesomely torture and skin people or Deadshot planting a bullet in the head of a criminal, but when you have shots of Aquaman getting severed in half or Green Lantern having his throat slit, it screams of trying too hard. The movie almost revels in the excessive amount of gore, and feels more like something out of an Eli Roth film at times, and it's pretty bad. Did we really need to see a close-up of Mera as her face begins to be ripped apart while she screams in agony? Did we really need to see a montage of the Teen Titans getting slaughtered, complete with Starfire's corpse dead center, her intestines splayed all over the scene? Did we absolutely need to feature Batgirl being ripped apart by Parademon soldiers followed by Black Orchid getting disintegrated and Superboy getting his neck snapped, all after none of them even had a single line of dialogue? There's really no reason for this film to be R-Rated. It comes off as a high-schooler trying to write a dark and edgy story with none of the knowledge for why stories with dark of violent themes can be good, everything is just surface-level here.
As a final insult, the movie ends with a Flashpoint-inspired scene of the Flash running back in time, undoing not only the events of the movie, but the entire series of DC Animated films that started off with Justice League: War. It feels like a slap in the face to the films that came before it, in the end none of them mattered and all the build-up was for naught. For the final film in the series, this was a huge missed opportunity. There are a small handful of scenes that are somewhat enjoyable, but that's about it.
Superhero stories can handle darker themes if done well, but this isn't an example of that. For something trying to be an animated equivalent of legendary comic events like Crisis on Infinite Earths or the Infinity Gauntlet, this felt more like Infinite Crisis or Ultimatum; dull, uninspired, and with nothing to show for itself but copious amounts of gore and violence. The difference between this movie or something like Flashpoint Paradox is that the former uses violence to build an atmosphere and doesn't go too over the line in regards to how dark things get. This film revels in it, and furthermore, is not a standalone film like Flashpoint but the finale in a long-running series of movies that featured these same incarnations of the characters beforehand. And unlike Flashpoint, it doesn't end showing everything goes back to normal; quite the opposite. The universe fades out of existence and the film ends right then and there.
This film is an overwhelming example of what's wrong with a lot of content coming out of DC's media sector. As I mentioned, darker themes and violence can be done well in superhero stories, but this is just purely for the shock factor and harkens back to the dark ages of DC Comics attempting gory and "mature" storylines like Identity Crisis. Stuff like the DCAU, while intended for kids, took itself seriously enough that adults could enjoy it, too. The CW DC shows are far from perfect, but generally understand a lot of the aspects of what makes the comics and characters enjoyable. It's sad that this is how such a great and promising series of movies chose to stage its finale. Enough with the misery, DC, look back at what made your older animated content work instead of things like Batman v. Superman or Injustice, which mostly serve as paper-thin "subversions" without so much as subverting anything and instead just featuring the characters turning evil or killing each other.
Not everything needs to be squeaky-clean and appropriate for all ages, but there's a middle ground between "Super Mario Bros." and "Mortal Kombat. It's fine to get dark or mature at times, things such as Justice League: Gods and Monsters or the aforementioned Flashpoint Paradox did this well, but when done for no reason other than to appear "adult" it just feels hollow and lacking in what makes DC's characters so magical and iconic.
Overall, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is not a movie I would recommend, and if you're getting into the films, I'd just watch up until Reign of the Supermen and then tune out (Hush and Wonder Woman: Bloodlines are kind of mid. Or just watch Batman Ninja instead, which is beautifully animated and just generally a ton of fun.
Great finale for amazing animated extended universe just go and watch it don't miss it if you are a DC fan. Justice league dark: apokolips war online free. Justice league dark apokolips war raven and damian. Justice league dark: apokolips war trailer. Justice league dark apokolips war superman vs darkseid. So basically Batman is like Dr. Strange and Constantine is Tony Stark. Batman need Constantine alive cause hell be playing a big role on their second attempt to defeat Darksied. So Bat asked Zatanna to make Constantine run and escape Apokalips. Just like Dr. Strange needed Tony alive cause he knows Tony will be playing a big role on defeating Thanos. The only differences is that Bat never went forward in time to see alternate futures and different outcomes to beat Darksied.
Justice league dark: apokolips war movie. Justice league dark apokolips war cast.
An awesome ending of an era and the beginning of something (hopefully) beautiful
Justice league dark apokolips war deaths. “Go. Unless you would fight me for the right to destroy him.” Superman: Ive actually been running away for the last five minutes. Justice league dark: apokolips war plot. Justice league dark: apokolips war torrent.
Justice league dark apokolips war trigon. Justice league dark: apokolips war (2020. Justice league dark apokolips war full movie online. Justice league dark apokolips war online free. Damn, they ripped Starfire in two! This is the darkest DC movie period. Justice league dark: apokolips war release date. Justice League Dark: Apokolips warren.
Justice league dark apokolips war damian and raven. Watch in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Ending c𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 ➽. Justice league dark apokolips war starfire. Justice league dark apokolips war 2020 trailer. This's for sure one of the best of dc! I wish they let these guys work on those live action movies. Justice league dark apokolips war post credit scene. Justice League Dark: Apokolips war z. What a wonderful gift daughter (looks at darksides ass ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡. be well. Justice league dark apokolips war reddit. Justice league dark apokolips war download.
Justice league dark: apokolips war 2020.
You really dont know what you're in for after watching the trailer 😂
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Justice League Dark: Apokolips war ii. In the end, the only thing that breaks Darkseids control was the moment his parents murderer point a gun at Young Bruce. Justice league dark: apokolips war wikipedia. Damian has grown. Justice League Dark: Apokolips war and peace. Justice league dark apokolips war etrigan. Justice league dark apokolips war stream. Gah damn they turned Batgirl into a lunchable! 💀🥺😭. This was the best DCAF Ive seen since flashpoint. Very dark indeed but had my heart pounding the whole time.
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Not all movies in the DCAMU are fantstic to be honest, but after seeing them all come together in this fittingly dark and emotional ending feature you can accept the other movies for what they gave to the project.
Darkseid triumphs partially by defeating the Justice League once, but with the unshakable willpower from Superman he makes the remaining members fight their way to put a stop to his tyranny.
This movie pulls no punches, so don't expect a light watch, because this is a battle against the greatest threat to humankind ever! And for once it feels as if it is just as long as it's supposed to and do not rush anything.
Many plot elements from earlier entrances in the DCAMU is are concluded in here, and therefore I was thoroughly satisfied by how well it all was handled without feeling shoe-horned in.
Justice league dark: apokolips war review.
Why are the outfits the villains get the heros to wear better than there own. 😂.