Ameba Ownd


Redbox Full Movie Extraction

2020.05.29 21:50

  1. Rating: 70306 Vote
  2. runtime: 1 hours, 56Min
  3. Average ratings: 7,2 of 10
  4. directed by: Sam Hargrave
  5. Review: Extraction is a movie starring Chris Hemsworth, Bryon Lerum, and Ryder Lerum. Tyler Rake, a fearless black market mercenary, embarks on the most deadly extraction of his career when he's enlisted to rescue the kidnapped son of an
  6. Chris Hemsworth, Rudhraksh Jaiswal





Born and raised in Dhaka, never even seen a Ak-47, let alone kids carrying them, lmao.

Public: oh bhai! Free cinema. Chris Hemsworth + Russo brothers + Randeep Hooda = perfect ingredient to make something awesome... I know how to cut my own hair. I have transcended humanity. I'm at the point where I see if Charlie does a Moist Meter review of something before I check it out.

Climate got so clear that Chris Hemsworth started starring in Bollywood

About 1 minute into the review, I was like enough watch it know. I have already watch DEATHNOTE but still waiting to see your reaction. Bangladesh 😍. Welcome to Dhakas traffic. Tyler rake ocalenie / extraction (2020. Tyler ryke ocalenie trailer song. “It didnt bother me, its a movie, its fiction”. oh if I had a nickel for every time Ive had to say this... Its so mmeaningless movie where you can found an Indian cheap drugs dealers son who has no life and a stupid also was kidnapped by Bangladeshi drug dealer. And a drug dealers son's life is more important than army,police,elite team. Its that a joke. Moreover they shoot in indian slum but showed in movie its a Bangladeshi slum. Dear audience Bangladesh's slum is more clean than indian flat... Bangladesh is richer than india. So its just an offensive against Banglades.

Tyler rake ocalenie / extraction. Its so good to see some real action that too one take instead of green screen Extra + action = extraction. A lot of reviews are saying this movie had no plot. Plot was clear. Movies that drag on are the worse. This movie had the perfect amount of action and was very enjoyable. I enjoyed this movie so damn hot. It remind me of John wick movie. Nice movie.


This movie was really good, Chris Hemsworth was a good choice the story was compelling enough. and the cinematography/stuntwork was pretty great considering. Lol it looks like your typical white savior action crusade that would have been big in the theaters during 1990s... idk I will check it out of course. Maybe Im being too judgmental.🤔. Just wantched the movie and I can not lie loved when Hemsworth picked up the ak 47 and pulled the magazine out and checked it first making sure theres bullets. I guess I just like the small details about these types of movies.

Wow Randeep Hooda did amazing act. he really suits him. Tyler rake ocalenie - extraction. Do a moist meter on the John Wick series.

Tyler rake ocalenie wikipedia

Bhajrangi bhaijan with a lotta violence and Guns. I didn't know that G was the director of this movie. Meanwhile randeep hoda. am I joke to you.


This movie is now no. 1 in Netflix Saudi Arabia. This movie and 6 underground are action porn. They aren't a movie they're an experience. Expectations were high. But it was a total disappoinment. How could you represent Dhaka in such inferior way? You do realize that west Bengal and Bangladesh isn't really the same. Right? You casted an Indian guy to play a Bangladeshi drug lord who's bangla accent was so horrible. Why on earth you put Bollywood music always on the background? Bangladeshi army, police, special forces all were fighting for a drug lord and two former special forces guys beat them all. Like seriously! Is that a joke? We clearly understand Netflix is trying to take control over Indian market totally. But dragging Bangladesh into that plan by misrepresenting dhaka is totally disgraceful.

Dont watch it, literally garbage, no back story and the enemy soldiers are worse than bots on easy mode. Action, Looks, Stunts = Chris, I agree BUT Acting = Randeep Yet Randeep doesnt even get a shoutout in the BTS. Tyler rake ocalenie soundtrack. OMG ITS THOR.

Call of Duty: Modern Thorfare

Do you guys even realize that public don't take care about your reactions. Just enjoy the shows/movies because everyone have a different taste & yes, I've not seen this video just gave a view so that i can comment. You missed randeep hooda. Randeep Hooda Be like : Kin Chutiyonko Bitha K rakha hai yaar. Jaby koay be like. to main kya karu job chhod du... Greetings friends. Have a wonderful weekend. I don't know how the both of them endure the pain of falling from the balcony And the car accident of Chris hemsworth so just wow😱😱😱😱😱.

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