shizaihashi's Ownd

Amazon The Last Airbender Download Full

2020.05.30 04:22

4.3/ 5stars

M. Night Shyamalan

country - USA

143914 votes

runtime - 1 Hour 43minute

Tomatometer - 4,7 of 10

Noah Ringer


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The last airbender download full movie. Avatar the last airbender download full movie. The last airbender full movie download in hindi filmyzilla. The last airbender full movie download in hindi. Avatar the last airbender download full episodes. Download the last airbender 2 full movie in hindi. The last airbender full movie download in tamil. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. I had never seen an M. Night film before viewing this so I wasn't in touch with his style. I also failed to watch the animated television show this is based on before seeing it. The trailer did a good job of sucking you in and making you want to see it. The movie is another story entirely. The casting director needs to fired here for an atrocious choice at all the major and supporting characters. The story as I've heard it is that Shyamalan's daughter came to him with the idea because she liked the show. He then wrote the screenplay, decided to produce it and direct it. I don't know if the studio hired him to direct or what but either way, bad move. I can't believe somebody didn't read the script and ask for a rewrite or hire somebody else. Honestly, the dialogue was abominable. The bending of the elements itself was a joke as well considering there hardly was any and the CG elements were so poorly executed that it wasn't even worth it. The 3D is too terrible to even fully get into. The actress playing the role of the sister was so annoying I wanted to go into the movie and strangle her. One of the actors from Twilight is in this and the main character from Slumdog Millionaire is in this. Save your time and money and avoid this. Watch the animation instead.

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Im going to spoil it for you. It was not good. br> This film is so bad that I felt the obligation to register on this site to warn prospective viewers not to waste their time. The Animated series was truly awesome almost every single episode had a memorable moment/quote or lesson this movie lacked all of those attributes. I felt like bending myself out of the movie theater. I gave the film the benefit of a doubt but 20 minutes in to the film I wanted to leave. The characters didn't build any sort of rapport with each other (or the audience. There is no character development and the story does not flow. The characters from the animated series were not personified on the big screen in any shape or form. I was truly disappointed. I do not think anybody who worked on this movie even saw the show.
Honestly don't waste your time. I truly hope this film does not end anyones career but it was not good at all.
Nickelodeon, you lost a lot of credibility with this film, a second and third movie won't even make it to VHS.

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