|Yts| Top Gun Watch

2020.05.30 22:33

Runtime: 110 m
director: Tony Scott
Synopsis: Devil-may-care navy pilot Pete Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is sent to Miramar Naval Air Station for advanced training. Here he vies with Tom Kasansky (Val Kilmer) for the coveted "Top Gun" award. When not so occupied, Mitchell carries on a romance with civilian consultant Charlotte Blackwood (Kelly McGillis). Shaken up by the death of a friend, Mitchell loses the Top Gun honor to Kasansky. Worried that he may have lost his nerve, Mitchell is given a chance to redeem himself during a tense international crisis involving a crippled US vessel and a flock of predatory enemy planes
Writer: Jack Epps Jr
rating: 268854 votes
Actor: Tom Cruise




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Top Gun watch video. Top gun watch the mountains. Top gun watch price. Okay, so overlook the fact that Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis have no chemistry. Just focus on the flying scenes. Okay, fine. But what about that idiotic dialogue? It was so hokey it was embarrassing to watch. I was embarrassed for the actors who had to say those corny lines. It must have been written by a cretin. That scene in the bar where they sing "You've lost that loving feeling" was like getting teeth drilled. This movie really sucks. It was an insult to our collective intelligence. When I was a little boy I discovered a box full of VHS tapes my parents had back in the early 2000s. The Independence Day and Top Gun where inside the box as well. I played Top Gun over and over and over. I fell in love with flying and planes. To this very day Maverick (Tom Cruise) remains my all-time hero and the coolest movie character ever.
So what's so great about Top Gun anyway? Nothing particular. This movie really doesn't have anything special besides having a spectacular soundtrack. Other movies have a better story, better acting, better special effects etc. Where other movies land short behind Top Gun is in blending everything together. I'm usually not in favor for emphasizing a romantic side story in action movies but Top Gun has room for both action and romance. I think that's due to focusing on Maverick (Tom Cruise) as a par exelans aviator. Tom Cruise's performance is just unbelievably and equally slick be it flying a plane or getting down with a lady.
Let me comment on soundtrack for a few lines. I'm pretty sure that nobody who had seen Top Gun didn't forget Harold Faltermeyer's Top Gun Anthem. That's action soundtrack along with Kenny Login's Danger Zone. Berlin's Take My Breath Away and The Righteou's Brothers You've Lost That Love Feeling are romantic songs both of which immediately take me back to Kelly McGillis and a famous bar scene. Action and romance are pretty much separated throughout the whole movie: first we enjoy epic air combat and then romance each having it's own amazing soundtrack.
Air combat by itself is nothing spectacular seen from 2016. standpoint. What makes it spectacular are pilots. All of them represent elite aviators. Maverick and Goose, Iceman, Viper, Jester, Cougar, Hollywood and others have their own helmet which enables you to recognize them when they're flying. Their air-mode communication style is very entertaining as well. Some people call Maverick's and Iceman's rivalry the greatest bromance of all time. Yes, they're both macho, usually having only towel on when in conversation.
So to conclude: I'm never gonna loose that lovin' feelin' for Top Gun since this movie takes all traditional movie elements, which by themselves don't have anything special and are pretty much average, and makes a special movie, very cool movie with unforgettable characters.

Top Gun watch the trailer. Top gun watch now. Top Gun watch. Top gun watch online free. Top gun watch free. Wow! When I saw this movie I was so impressed with the special effects and the visual effects of this movie. This movie is so great and the actors in that movie have made a great performance, the music and the story is great.

Ever since I saw this movie I felt in love with it, I didn't blink an eye in the movie because it was so great, it really deserved to win an oscar.

My favorite songs of that movie are 'Take My Breath Away' by Berlin and the air force style song 'Mighty Wings' by Cheap Trick. Tom Cruise sang really good the song he singed for the Instructor, but the part where I cried in the movie was when Maverick's friend died during a training with his other two companions Iceman and Hollywood when they we're on a test flight with Viper and Jester.
This movie is great, it makes me wanna be in the Air Force and pilot and be the best of the best like Maverick was, I absolutely give this movie a big fat 10/10.

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