≡Boomerang≡ Movie Watch The Last Airbender
- genre - Family
- 1 Hours 43Min
- 4,4 / 10 Star
- countries - USA
- M. Night Shyamalan
➜ ⌘♦❂⇓❉✼♢☆✵✫×⊛♣٭
➜ ♥♧♢★⟰✫✦✫⌘♠♡⟰✼ψ
I don't know what pissed me off more, them pronouncing Aang as Ong, that weird ass Studio Gibli Spirited Away looking Appa, the fact that Sokka's main charm, his sense of humor, bad puns and ill-timed jokes, and man bun) being non-existent, earth benders being imprisoned ON EARTH and NOT on the damn boat, firebenders not being able to actually CREATE FIRE, Aangs tattoo not being blue, or the fact that they had the gall, the AUDACITY, to make this shit and actually advertise it as a live action remake of what is by far the best animated series ever. ME STILL HURT! ALL ME SOULCASE A HAT ME TO BACKSIDE! WAH KIND A FOOLISHNESS WAS THAT? A BETTA DEM DID SEH A ONE PARODY.
That one time where zuko bended lava. Things I liked about the movie: I kinda dig the idea of the arrow tattoos being an ornate design. Though I would have liked them to be darker like a true tattoo. Maybe with a dark blue ink. Also my friends and I almost got kicked out of the theater for making fun of it, which was a fun memory for us and the summer before college. That's it. That's all I liked. Watch the last airbender full movie. Movie watch the last airbender 3. After reviewing the film The Last Airbender You can leave your review in which you can Express a positive or negative viewing experience. Movie watch the last airbender episodes. Movie watch the last airbender youtube.
Watch the last airbender movie dailymotion.
The science around the flying bison was somehow actually science feasible.
I actually really like 'the great divide' Because of the end when he lies to the 2 tribes.
WARNING THERE WILL BE SPOILERS, I went to an early screening) but the movie itself will be so bad that it's not spoiling anything. I'm also writing spoilers on purpose so people can see I have actually seen the movie and am not just a troll.
First off I'm a fan of the TV series. I also already had low expectations going into the movie seeing it was made by M night. br>
The is NOTHING like the TV series, the characters have ZERO development in it. Ang is someone I didn't even like the entire movie or any of the other characters. The script is so flat without any humor at all that made the movie so endearing. There was basically no plot, and the acting... I know they needed a martial arts kid, but wow I have never seen such a poor acting job by every single person that was in the ENTIRE movie besides for the uncle.
The visual effects were so cheesy and over the top and the movie was filled with so many ridiculous slo-mo moments that you couldn't help but laugh. There was absolutely no dramatic scene at all, even the ships all raining fire on Ang wasn't shown as it was in the trailer. br>
I blame the director. For instance on the end battle scene the commander of the fire army and a bunch of his men just simply walks up to the moon/dragon spirits to kill them with NOBODY trying to stop them besides for the princess and the useless brother. During the battle scene which is the WORST I have ever seen, they have just had Ang captured, and the characters calmly STROLL around in the MIDDLE of the battle with nobody touching them. Calmy saying Oh no Ang is gone we have to find him. With zero emotion or distress in her voice.
THe last time I've seen such a poor quality film was Meet the it pretty much doesn't get worse than that. I'm writing this so all you Avatar fans won't go watch it and come out and rage and rant like I did for hours after it. Watch it at your peril. Rating: 1/10.
Gotta go bleach my eyes now.
Lmao Jeremy had to come back for this one because its so great
Watch movie online free the last airbender. Nickelodeon now be like Did we actually made this. There's absolutely no way for them to condense an entire season of the show into one movie. I feel like Shamalamadingdong probably just googled the series and picked some random moments from there and shoved them in and called it a day. It's hard to imagine Book I in just one movie. I feel like you'd have to just not adapt it much at all, and just do your own thing with it. Which I could have accepted if they did a good job at it, but instead they didn't even try to do that, they just made this POS. The scene when Aang glides of Zukos ship in the beginning reminds me of a kid playing with a toy plane. M. Night got the idea to direct this movie after he saw his daughter dress as Katara for Halloween. Think about this for a second. This little girl had to watch her father ruin a show she loved.
Movie watch the last airbender trailer. Movie watch the last airbender game. Here we are again. sigh THEY CALLED HIM UUG It's pronounced AYE NOT UUH. Aang.
🤣😂🤣😂 I laughed the whole time during him saying Anang name. whatever
Movie watch the last airbender download. Poor, poor Sokka 😂. This is my all time favorite show of all time. The characters were amazing and the lore is absolutely perfect. It was extremely dark at times to. There was going to be 3 movies to but that obviously didnt happen. Movie watch the last airbender cast. Movie watch the last airbender watch. Its finally on Netflix now. Be patient and enjoy. This filled me with so much hope and excitement when this trailer first came out. God. was I wrong to expect. so, so wrong.
Movie watch the last airbender games.
Ozai: I have all the power in the world! Just using fire and lightning
Movie Watch The Last airbender. It's kinda cute how they think they were gonna make 3 of these things BRUH. Thats why the creators are taking into their own hands and creating a show to put on Netflix 😌. Anybody but the original creators will make it low a low budget crap show. As the Ember Island players version of Katara and Aang would say, “I wouldnt have it any other way” 😂. The Last Airbender Watch Online, Watch The Last Airbender Live Stream, Watch Online The Last Airbender, Watch The Last Airbender Online Full, The Last Airbender Full Length, The Last Airbender Online Stream. Aang showed mercy to his biggest enemy. Fire Lord couldn't even show mercy to his own son.