Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Free Download HDTV HDTVRIP no registration Torrent
8,6 / 10
Camilla Luddington
duration 1 Hours 30Minutes
Scores 8284 votes
Genres Animation
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Code, Alpha Red, Did anyone else catch that? Edit: Alpha Red kinda sounds like Alfred. It probably only me tho.
I love these dark endings man. Brings out a whole new aspect of a series. It becomes boring when heroes are the ones always winning. Loved this movie. It will open many new aspects for DC to take the story from here. Marvel: Infinity War was our darkest movie. DC: Aw, thats cute. This is wht Snyder cut would have looked like if he succeeded.
Hilarious that they felt the need to give Trigon a deeper voice than Darkseid's, lol. It's rule #1 that says: Only the baddest of all bad MFers has the deepest voice in the universe. Anyone badder than these 2 won't speak with one overbearingly deep and loud synthesized bassline.
DC: in hindsight, the way we wrote out Batgirl as an action hero went over a line DC.
Goodbye New 52 Its Been Real 👋 Ladies and Gentlemen Let's Get Ready For DC Rebirth
This film is Zach Snyders vision for the DCEU. everyone who didnt support cheated comic book fans out of the cinematic interpretation of this story.
Had me in tears and disbelief to the heart wrenching scenes and the gore was absolutely on point.
This is one for the history books! Enough said watch it, you won't be disappointed.
So where was Dr. Fate when the Earth got yeeted by Darkseid.
Batman to Darkseid: Go to Hell. my Lord, that was EPIC.
Rip to my boi Shazam😢.
Just to be clear, day by day WB making me hate this Harley Quinn character. God, she was cringy as hell, but that doesn't make the other character bad or the film bad. This film was just outstanding.
Raven sees Damian: OH NO, HES HOT. Rob I don't know if you're aware, but this movie is apart of the dc animated universe. Amanda Waller dying of cancer was alluded in Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay. Superboy I believe is Conner Kent or at least modeled after him because he's a clone of superman made by Lex Luthor in Reign of Supermen. Damain Wayne and Batman have their own animated movie in Son of Batman, and we've seen Raven and Damian together in the Teen Titans movies. Essentially, yeah there's been a lot of development with these characters in their own respective movies. Even John Constantine in the first Justice League Dark movie which was the reference for the title of this movie. You should definitely check them all out, they're solid films that add substantial depth to this whole dc animated universe. I would love to see your reviews of them.
We can save this world smokes a cigarette and throws it on the floor Good start. One of the best comic book movies just animated few people giving negative reviews all seem to share a common dont seem to like dc in general and zack just refuse to open their minds and allow something to be different than the a breath of fresh air having a comic book movie that's not totally directed towards kids and the younger movie,including the majority of this DC animated universe,is targeting the adult/mature always better when something targets a specific crowd in comparison to targeting a very wide crowd for the purpose of making more stays true to the vision and design without sacrificing to cater to different audiences.i strongly recommend watching the previous movies in this animated movie is the conclusion and finale to the dc animated has a perfect ending which also perfectly sets up the future of the animated elaborate further without spoilers.
Its an awesome movie but there are a ton of inappropriate conversations for young ears. It was very good but very sad at the same time how can people even compare darkside with thanos. This was more intense than Endgame and maybe even Infinity war. The fact that u could actually feel these heroes struggling and dying against one of DC'S big bad just shows how much Thanos wasnt as big as a threat to the Avengers.
This was the darkest and depressing dc animated film ive ever watched.